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their “style”. However, just as he repeated, from Australia is; because coffee changes
World Siphonist Champion 2015 everyone is doing something different its tastes every day, his taste notes that is
World Siphonist 1st runner up 2014 and they came up with their own thing. served with the Single Origins would be
ASEAN Barista Champion 2013 Many people might not know daily hand written, so he can alter them
Two time World Latte Art finalist 3 that, the North Eastern part of Australia accordingly.
(2011) 6 (2014) also grows coffee. They grow a lot of However, Ryan wanted a cafe
Q-Grader 2012 coffee and they are very expensive, this that attracts everyone. Ryan adapted the
3 Times Singapore Barista Champion is due to the land and the labor costs. Australian style to the style that he knows
2011-2013 However, it is always completely sold out. would suit Singaporeans liking. His cafes
3 Times Singapore Latte Art Champion Though, at the cafes that Ryan works in, are opened for dinner service and beers,
2011, 2013, 2014 they normally import coffees. They have unlike how Australians cafe opens at 7am
Singapore Siphon Champion 2014 many green bean traders, it is one of the and closes at 5pm, he instead closes at
Also, the owner of well-known cafes: thing that is also very good in Australia. midnight.
Strangers’ Reunion, Strangers at work,
waffle slayer & Curious Palette in Singa- Inspiration from Australia Australian Coffee Culture
pore Ryan brought back everything In Australia, normally cafes serve
he learned from Australia. Not only the very good fusion brunch, while he was
Professionalism drinks recipes, or roasting techniques, there, he notice that people never hot their
As we are familiar with drinks but also the service style. The service he seats like in other countries. They will not
like flat white, ice latte (caffe latte with brought back is a full table service. This come into the cafe with a laptop and sit
vanilla ice cream), piccolo latte, and many is, after getting in the cafe, you are seated there forever ordering one drink. Instead,
more, we thought that these drinks are you do not have to get up again. He likes they will come in for a lunch meeting or
originated from Australia. However, as the idea that he can order, serve, and pay they come in to eat and leave. It is com-
Ryan has worked in more than ten cafes at your table. It is gives a warm, friendly, monly seen in cafes that people waited a
in Australia, he noticed that every cafes and superior service; it is a restaurant! long cue to be seated, they ordered and are
have their own drinks recipe. There is He also brought back the culture of hav- served very quickly. After finishing their
no fixed recipe for each drinks, they will ing extensive menus for varieties. At his meal and coffee, they leave.
serve it the way they thinks is best. Talk- cafes, he serves coffee of the day or Single Ryan mentions that he likes it
ing about flat white, in his definition, it Origins of the day. For the coffee of the that Australians do not exactly welcome
simply means cappuccino with less foam day, he serves them as espresso or filter foreign brands like Starbucks. They have
but in the same cup. With the less foam in coffee. This provides more options for the their own chains and also their indepen-
the flat white, there goes more milk, and customers. Another thing Ryan learned dent coffee shops. They like it both the
so it tasted different. Another interesting darker and lighter roasts, it is not that
story is how they started using the choco- Australia only have light roasts. He likes
late powder, it was used to distinguish it that Australians want to do their own
flat white from cappuccino because they thing, explore in their own way. Since
are served in the same cup. Apart from Australia did not have their traditional
other interesting stories he told us, some coffee drinks like in Asian’s sock cof-
of the cafes used to be really serious that fee, it has always been espresso based
their caffe latte menu has to be served in drinks. This makes it easier for them to
a clear cup so it shows that the drink only move from the darker roasts to the lighter
has one to two centimeters of foams only. roasts. The cost of changing was the same.
This is not a right or wrong thing, it is just Hence, people were paying the same price
to consume better lighter roasting coffee.
It makes it easier for the customers to be
introduced to Specialty Coffee. To com-
pare, in Asian countries, since customers
can buy their traditional coffee drinks at
a much cheaper price than espresso based
coffee, it was harder for them to start ap-
preciating Specialty Coffee. At a much
cheaper price, they can also get their caf-
feine kicks.
Ryan believes that different peo-
ple roasts to match their context, as in their
water, customers, food. He believes that
different nations roast differently because
of their environment and their culture.
The water hardness, the way they like to
drink their coffee, and the tastes that their
customers like. Everyone is just roasting
and serving it with their own unique style
that they think is the best.