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trifecta SmartWAVE ® BrewWISE® DBC AXIOM® Airpot
Air Infusion Coffee Brewer Tea&Coffee Coffee Brewer
Single Cup Brewer
innovations for commercially brewed mal evaporation. The Soft Heat brewers BUNN also actively engages with profes-
coffee and dispensed beverages with first- are available as Singles or Duals, and it is sional industry organizations to support
in-class introductions such as an iced tea on this line of brewers that BUNN intro- important educational and legislative
machine that brews from real tea leaves duced Digital Brew Control technology. initiatives, including support through
versus instant mix, the first hot water on Soft Heat brewers include programmable volunteerism and sponsorship of organi-
demand machine, and the first U.S. made options such as Pre-Infusion (an initial zations doing important work in coffee-
frozen drink system. light wetting of the grounds to open cof- and tea-producing countries.
As customers entered the digital fee cells, allowing the batch to ‘bloom’), The company remains privately-
age, BUNN also embraced sophisticated Pulse Brewing (a process which allows held and family-owned through five
new technology to meet changing needs. for fuller extraction of coffee essentials), generations of Bunn family entrepreneur-
From the addition of Digital Brew Con- and the capacity to hold and carry custom ship. It has evolved from a foodservice
trol in 1993 and the advantages of recipes. and coffee focus to include a long list of
pre-infusion, pulse-brew, custom recipe The AXIOM line of brewers are equipment innovations in all dispensed
creation, and seamless communication also uniquely inspired by technology. beverages and has become a global part-
between grinders and brewers, through These units, too, have made substantial ner in 83 countries and is recognized for
the 2007 launch of the SmartWAVE use of digital technology. Sensors adjust profitability, reliability and support wher-
brewer that uses turbulence in the funnel the brewer automatically for fluctuating ever customers are served. It has long
to yield deeper coffee flavor. In 2010, the water pressures, to ensure that every been been competitive as an industry
company continued its commitment to brew is made with precision. Program- leader in commercial coffee brewing solu-
brewed coffee innovation with the launch ming such as Pre-Infusion and Pulse tions in North America markets. It is now
of the single-cup commercial brewer, tri- Brew can be performed easily at the turning efforts to offer the best solutions
fecta , that utilizes unique exclusive Air front of the machine. Further, these are for international markets with a focus on
Infusion technology. The trifecta brew equipped with automatic warmer shut- Europe, China and Latin America with
method is unlike any other and unlocks off, and an Energy Saver Mode (which recent expansions with offices and/or
nuances for a smooth, deep-bodied coffee reduces tank temperature during idle distribution facilities now in the UK,
or tea experience known as Full Cup. periods). Shanghai, Dubai and Sao Paulo.
Today, two products serve in- Programming features such as The global headquarters re-
ternational markets well: The BUNN Soft Energy Saver Mode are almost as impor- main in Springfield, Illinois, USA, where
Heat and AXIOM line of brewers. tant to BUNN as the result in the cup. employees strive for total customer
Soft Heat is an exclusive BUNN Recognizing that the business operation satisfaction through superior equipment
innovation and brews into insulated serv- impacts the total environment, BUNN and unmatched post-purchase service
ers, but these brewers and the servers maintains a focus on preserving the earth with support from five additional United
are made with quite a difference. These for future generations throughout the States locations, as well as warehouses
servers also are designed with a built in supply chain. The company is driven to or offices in Canada, Mexico, Brazil,
low-heat warmer so that coffee can be continually identify ways to incorporate Germany, China, the United Kingdom,
brewed and kept hot for hours, efficiently, this respect for our natural resources into and United Arab Emirates. Learn more
with no “cooking” of the coffee, and mini- daily business practices and products. at