Page 73 - #52 English
P. 73

Coffee Empire Industry

          •  The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation
           (FNC) was created in 1927 as a non-profit
           rganization to represent and support Colom-
           bian coffee farmers. It has promoted and
           defended the renown of Café de Colombia
           around the world. From the very beginning,
           the FNC strictly stuck to the criterion of
           exporting coffee under the highest quality
           standards . Local producers are very proud of
           their high-quality coffee.                          Cooperatives
          •  The FNC’s headquarters are located in Bogota, Colombia.      In Colombia, about 530 purchase points belong to
           It has also offices around the world: Amsterdam (for Europe),    different coffee Cooperatives. Since coffee can be harvested and
           New York, Tokyo and Shanghai. In your everyday life, have you    collected all year round in Colombia, Cooperatives are open as
           ever seen the logo of the FNC or Café de Colombia?  well to support farmers. Every day coffee is purchased from
          •  The FNC’s mission covers the whole process from seed to    farmers at fair and transparent prices.
           cup. It starts 88 years ago, representing now 560,000 families
           involved in coffee growing in Colombia. Coffee farming   Cenicafe
           provides over 750,000 direct jobs in the rural sector. The FNC       There are over 100 scientists working in the National
           offers a wide portfolio of high-quality coffees, exporting not    Coffee Research Center (Cenicafé). They work on climate,
           only green coffee, but specialty and added-value coffees, such    breeding, botany, environment and other fields related to coffee
           as soluble coffee through Buencafé, and operating the Juan    growing, especially developing coffee varietals that help the
           Valdez® Café coffee shop chain and brand, which is the only    plant resist diseases such as rust and raise productivity with a
           one of global relevance owned by coffee producers. The chain    high-quality cup profile.
           has 106 stores in over 15 countries besides Colombia, mainly
           Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Malaysia, El Salvador, Panama, South    Almacafe
           Korea, Spain and the USA, besides over 230 stores in Colombia.
                                                                      Almacafé is an important branch of the FNC that
                                                               assesses, classifies and stores coffee beans. It is basically in charge
                                                               of logistics and quality control for exporting coffee.

                                                               Manuel Mejía Foundation
                                                                      As educational branch of the FNC (like a coffee
                                                               university), it helps train the extensionists (agricultural
                                                               technicians) and coffee growers, transferring the knowledge
                                                               developed by Cenicafé. It is also a very important place to
                                                               consult about coffee farming.

          The FNC’s branches

                 Coffee Growers Committees are the bridge that con-   Buencafe
          nects coffee farms and the FNC, communicating and imple-      Buencafé is the largest freeze-dried Arabica coffee
          menting national coffee policies. The committees also represent    factory, which owns the most advanced production technology,
          the farmers’ interests and speak on their behalf, implementing    applying the freeze-drying method. Based on this technology,
          projects of infrastructure, education, sanity, environment and    coffee flavor and aroma are preserved in instant coffee to the
          welfare, among others.                               highest extent.
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