Page 65 - #52 English
P. 65
+ Large capacity
+ Produces a clean and flavorful cup
- Filter Paper cost more than other brands
- Filter Paper takes time to master folding
- difficult to clean the bottom part
- thick paper filter sits flush against the walls of the server, water
flows through the grounds more slowly
- having only one air vent can create a faster flow on one side Stainless Steel Dripper
It is well known for its metal, cone-shaped pour over
filter. The holes are lasers cut resulting in tiny holes in the stain-
less steel enabling a brew without paper filter! Without the paper
filter, the beverage has more body and oils, like a cleaned-up
French press cup, but the adjustable movement of water enables
"higher" notes, which is characteristic of pour over brewing.
Some of these drippers can also be used over other devices
instead of paper filter like the Chemex or the V60.
Clever fill the Stainless Steel dripper with ground coffee,
gently tapping the edges to even the bed. Begin a brief stage of
WHAT? pre-infusion: this allows gases to be released and lets the ground
Made with Eastman Triton BPA free plastic. It is a hybrid absorbs water and be ready for extraction. Continue pouring in
system of full immersion and pour over brewing. The system a slow, circular, in-and-out, still motion at your liking, trying to
allows users to soak or immerse their coffee grounds for as long keep the water level constant and brew for around 3 minutes or
as they like and once it is popped over the cup or a server that less, depending on your fancies.
pushes the bottom of the chamber, the coffee to pass through a
paper filter into the server without any sediment. PROs and CONs:
+ looks great and very stylish
HOW?: + great body beverage
To brew a cup, simply place a filter in the brewer, add + water flow as fast as you pour it
ground coffee, pour water over the coffee, steep for 2-4 minutes, + can use paper filter as well
and then place the dripper on top of your cup. Some may stir the - difficult to clean
coffee during prebrew, or during the brew, depending on your - hard to get a clear/clean cup
likings. Some, use a combination of immersing the brew half
way and let the coffee flow then continue on as a pour-over. The SIMILAR ITEMS: Kone
cup's rim engages the release valve and the coffee begins to drain
through the bottom of the dripper into your cup. Depending on
the size selected, this brewer takes either a standard #2 or #4
PROs and CONs
+ Easy to duplicate drinks and keep consistency
+ Clean cup without fines in the beverage
+ Easy to clean and travel with
- A lower body beverage
- Some may consider it flows too slowly due to only one small
- Made of plastic
Cloth drippers
- Bonavita Ceramic Dripper WHAT?
Cloth drippers are used with many devices like the
Woodneck from Hario, or some customized hand made cloths
were made for the Melita, or Hario V60. Many kinds of fabrics
are used like cotton or Linen, the most important thing is how
tightly the thread counts are. Hario's Woodneck is comprised