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Story and Photos by Coffee t&i Thailand
Filters by Designs
There are many devices for the pour-over method. These are overviews and general thoughts to some of the well-liked
devices for filter coffee, not just pour-over. It is aimed to make users understand basic usage of different devices and make an ease
to selecting the device of your preferences. For best results, it is strongly recommended to start with whole bean coffee and grinding
with a burr grinder immediately before brewing. If you grind your coffee too soon, it will quickly lose many of the compounds that
give it such delightful aromas and flavors. Also, if you are getting a bit serious, please also grab a scale and a timer. This would make
your experiments more fun and observable. And if you find it hard to pour directly from a traditional or plastic kettle, try to find
a kettle or anything like it that has a smaller spouse and a gooseneck for better pour. And for more fun, try different drippers with
different brands and colors of paper; they all have different flow rate and unalike tastes, body, aroma, aftertaste, and flavors.
Hario V60
Available in many materials like glass, ceramics, plastic,
metal, copper, etc.. These will alter the characters of each cups,
as the heat resistances and retentions are different for different
materials. The V60 is a cone-shaped dripper with spiral ridges Chemex
along the inner wall and a single, large opening at the bottom.
This design keeps the filter from sticking to the walls of the cone, WHAT?
encouraging extraction at the bottom and sides of of the filter. The Chemex Coffeemaker is a pour-over style glass-
container that Peter Schlumbohm invented in 1941, Massa-
HOW? chusetts. The Chemex combines a pour over filter cone with a
Grind and pour coffee into V60 shaking it a little to beautiful glass decanter. The defining feature of this method is
settle the grounds; make a divot/small hole in the middle with an ultra thick paper filter set flush against the walls. The most
your finger or any device, or not make a divot at all. Pour near visually distinct piece of the Chemex is the heatproof wooden
boil water into middle divot in spiraling outward motion. Start collar around the neck, allowing it to be handled and poured
pouring some water (1 or 2 times the amount of coffee) onto when hot.
the coffee and let sit for 30 seconds (or until bloom or bubbles
reduces). Fill it up carefully, slowly, and under control. Then it HOW?
is at your choice whether to make spirals or pour right in the Begin by thoroughly rinsing the filter and dumping
middle or a bit of both, it will taste totally different. Should finish the water. First, place the paper filter and the ground coffee
before 3 minutes, if not you can adjust the grind size. Collect the in the neck of the flask. Start off with blooming the coffee or
desire amount and serve! pre-wetting where you add just a small amount of water to wet
the coffee. This allows the coffee grounds to swell, degas, and
PROs AND CONs be ready for extraction. Let it degas for about 30 seconds. Add
+ World class dripper the desired quantity of water over the ground coffee slowly, let
+ Well thought design of Ridges for better flow and body it to drip down into the flask. Aim to finish everything with no
+ Available in many materials more than 4:00. Toss the filter and the used grounds away, give
- Requires practice, patience, and some additional devices for the whole thing a few swirls, and serve.
best results
- sensitive to pouring technique and expertise: quite hard to PROs AND CONs
duplicate another cup + Appearance
+ Dripper and server as one whole piece
SIMILAR ITEM: Tiamo, KINTO ceramic drippers, and many more + Makes and Excellent Brew