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Catch Up
Women who drink 2 - 3 cups of coffee
a day could be a third less likely to
develop dementia
The study led by researchers at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee followed 6,467 women over the age of 65
who were taking part in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Dr Doug Brown, Director of Research and Development at
Study for up to ten years. Women in the study consumed an Alzheimer’s Society said:
average of 261mg of caffeine per day, which is the equivalent “Although this study has suggested that women who
of 2-3 8oz cups of coffee, 5-6 8oz cups of tea, or seven to eight drank more coffee and tea than average were a third less likely to
12-ounce cans of cola. Over the course of the ten-year study, develop dementia over a ten year period, it does not tell us that
388 of the women developed cognitive impairment or dementia. caffeine was responsible for the lower dementia rates. There is
Those who reported drinking more caffeine than the average, no single way to reduce your risk of dementia, the best evidence
were 36% less likely to develop these conditions than those who supports a combination of exercising regularly, avoiding smoking
drank less than the average amount of caffeine. The researchers and eating a healthy, balanced diet.”
controlled for other related factors such as age, race, education,
sleep quality, BMI and other health conditions.
Meet the Roaster - Luke Bates of Grand Central Coffee Roasters
The Red Bean Bag, Publika, Kuala Lumpur
Originating from southern suburbs Perth and formed in
2011, Grand Central Coffee Roasters was built upon a foundation
for providing great specialty coffee to consumers at an approach-
able belief, where their organizational focus was to solely focus
on roasting great coffee. Grand Central Coffee Roasters aims to
continue working with smaller groups of people, to maintain
close relationships and understanding the requirements that the
industry needs.
The coffees sourced by Luke and his team are nothing
short but fantastic, and he assures that all coffees roasted by
Grand Central are scored 80 and above. Working closely with
green suppliers such as Café Imports and Latorre & Dutch, Luke coffees that is available at their roastery, which makes up several
also emphasizes on his desire for transparency in the green sup- blends such as the Zealot, The Milk Man and also an experimental
ply process ultimately, wanting to go direct to farms instead of blend called the Cuckoo which is currently still under develop-
third party traders. ment stages.
He also touched on encouraging roasters and consum-
ers to ask questions, on the origin of the beans and where it is For more information or to get in touch with Luke, you may
sourced. The session followed with a cupping of 5 Single Origin visit