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PURE AND MILD Microbe-mediated post-fermentation of dark tea
soften the astringent tealeaves, producing sub-
stance that helps stomach digest.
The pekoe fragrance of white tea would de-
velop into a honey smell in time. Old white tea is
called “aged white tea” or simply “old white”. White
tea with fewer buds, in its standing of many years,
would bring pleasant herb fragrance. White tea is
particularly popular in Europe because people
believe it provides an extraordinary health effect.
That feature of white tea is not alone for the first
Black tea Dark tea Aged white tea
popularity of tea in Western countries, where tea,
as a whole, was promoted as magical oriental leaves
This category covers black tea, dark tea, and aged with curative function. Only taste-obsessed people
white tea. from Hong Kong know that Shoumei , a white tea
Full-fermented black tea, post-fermented dark tea, and type, is cheap and perfect to refresh; the more the
naturally oxidized old white tea are all featured with mild aro- tea aged, the better.
mas and pure tastes, which are perfect as a winter beverage. Tea flavors would mostly fall into those three
Yunnan black tea and Yingde black tea, strong and brisk, categories, and each is the result of a combination
are good choices for making a milk tea. Fujian black tea and Yichang of processing techniques, variety, and origins. As
black tea, sweet and smooth, would be good companions at work. long as you know how the three factors affect the
Jinjunmei, fresh and sweet, is perfect to share with a good friend. tea’s taste, you are close to find your favorite tea.
And the flowery and sweet single variety red oolong would make But this is a big “know-how”, so complicated that
you the most popular afternoon-tea host. it can’t be explained in a few sentences. The three
If you want to read a thoughtful book quietly, or simply want factors also change constantly over time. Maybe
to ease your stomach after a strong hotpot or barbecue, go for sticky that’s why tea continues its life and growth for
rice fragrant ripe Puer dark tea or arohid flavour Fu-brick dark tea. thousands of years despite that good teas and fa-
A big hot cup of either of them will comfort you in no time. mous teas come and go.