Page 73 - #58 English
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For originally specialty coffee
focused cafes, the advanced traditional
cafe model, which is a level-up from
serving coffee and food to exceptional
specialty coffee and artisan healthy
dishes, is adopted increasingly.
A rising number of independent
specialty coffee shops in London are
now out of the bakery only zone
when it comes to selling something
with a much higher profit margin
than coffee. Even though many pas-
sionate baristas would be more than
happy to run a coffee-only shop, it is
a shared knowledge that the difficul-
ties a coffee-only business model will
face is tough. Eventually the lovely
coffee geeks realised that in order to
fund their coffee dreams, they would
need to learn from the business
model of traditional cafes in Europe,
simply because time told us it works.
② ③ ④
However, serving average food These factors are probably the combined
has been vetoed from almost day one. result of a growing appreciation of the
It is not difficult to understand the value of small-scale handcraft produc-
mindset of specialty coffee shop own- tion and the deeply rooted hippie culture
ers on this point, someone who cares in East London, where the Capital’s
the customers’ coffee experience specialty coffee scene took off around
enough to only serve premier quality ten years ago.During the LCF 2017, the
specialty coffee will hardly lower his/ above mentioned trend has evolved into
her standard on the customers’ food an elegantly presented three-course
experience. Therefore, in most inde- meal with coffee paring done by the
pendent cafes known for its specialty roastery/cafe, Grind. On top of this, it
coffee, one can expect to find a health- was also reflected in the promotion of a
ily enticing food menu with an expen- healthy focus without compromising
① La Marzocco booth sive humbleness. Moreover, the taste by the majority of food stalls,
dishes on offer are somehow interest- which ranged from frozen yogurt (Bee
② Cold brew
ing in a highly unified fashion, which Me) to energy snacks (Kind, The Primal
③ Automatic brewing system
is heavily influenced by Mediterra- Pantry, etc.), peanut butter (Pip & Nut)
④ Let’s brew. nean, Asian, and Oriental cuisine. to biscuits (Nairns).