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P. 91
Indeed, soaking tea leaves in cold water is a great ed catechins and sugar alcohols similar fragrance with
way to prepare tea in summer. When you do not want larger polar. Flavonoids compounds and ester compounds
to use hot water for it and then wait, cold brew tea might are very hard to be dissolved. So cold-brewed tea usu-
be the best option. The final cup has light tea aroma, ally tastes sweet and light, rarely bitter, but also has no
sweet taste and light bitterness, which is more thirst- outstanding aroma. Hot-brewed tea can not only use this
quenching. However, if you want to feel different tea principle, but also extract fragrances with the help of
aromas while drinking, you need to know better about the heat. The high temperature can also help solve more
tea suitable for cold brewing. substance in leaves. That’s why hot tea has stronger
The difference between cold-brewed tea and hot- aroma and richer taste. According to this, you can cold-
brewed tea is that cold treatment procedure can dissolve brew fresh green tea, jasmine tea, baihao yinzhen tea and
larger number of substances in tea leaves by using polar white peony tea. Traditional processed red tea usually
character of water molecule. For example: Amino acid, has fragrance of sweet potato, fragrance of this tea can-
monosaccharides, disaccharides, caffeine, non-galloylat- not be released during cold brewing.