Page 39 - #60 English
P. 39
This culture does
not evolve by itself,
as any industry,
hospitality needs a
crucial factor, that
will make it grow,
and it is branding.
creating a great environment is critical to being sustainable Very often graphic designers,
in the long run.” Bloggers who have travelled the world branding experts, architects and
to try out new shops and roasters also shared their interior designers have to work
thoughts on this ever-evolving culture. closely together to create a complete
This culture does not evolve by itself, as any in- and coherent brand language. A well-
dustry, hospitality needs a crucial factor, that will make thought brand approach speaks how
it grow, and it is branding. Brand elements help to vi- much a founder cares about his/her busi-
sualize an idea and enhance coffee experiences. That ness and what experience s/he wish to
spans from as simple as the café’s name and logo to a deliver to meet raised expectations. Specialty
café’s drinkware, furnishings, decor, color scheme, coffee shops epitomize this idea. From their
signage, menu, and spatial layout. Yet the quality of furniture they choose to put in their cafés to the
service, coffee and food is still key to a satisfying visit. typeface they use to list their coffee, all these
The extent of visual brand application, coffee shops’ design elements prove that the third wave of coffee
locations, the community they serve, their nature, and is not simply about having your all-important daily
their vision all make cafés in the book one of a kind. caffeine boost anymore. It is also about championing
Yet these elements are brought together for one cause the idea that coffee-making is an artisanal practice
— to heighten the experience of coffee or tea. through and through.