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CTI: That leads me to my next question. Could you
elaborate on the Coffee Futures Fund?
Akshat: Sure. Well, many people, in the U.S. and
elsewhere, consider opening a coffee shop as part of their
retirement plans. It’s a popular idea, but not always a CTI: This sounds so innovative. How can someone
viable one. Even among baristas, there’s a common dream become a part of the Coffee Futures Fund?
of opening their own coffee shop. For instance, I recent- Akshat: We are about to start an early-stage fund to
ly spoke with a barista in Denver who had initially want- back under 25-year-old coffee entrepreneurs. To select
ed to open her own shop but changed her mind after the recipients, we’re organizing a competition similar to
seeing how tough it is behind the scenes. She enjoys her MasterChef, but for aspiring coffee shop owners. This
barista job and prefers not to venture into owning a shop. global competition will run for 10 to 12 weeks and include
The essence of opening a coffee shop goes beyond various stages and mentorship, mostly conducted virtu-
serving coffee; it’s about fostering a sense of communi- ally, culminating in an in-person final showdown.
ty. Coffee shops serve as a “third place” where people
can gather and connect. However, not all coffee shops CTI: That’s so exciting! I am looking forward to see-
succeed, and there are certain factors that contribute to ing it unfold. My final question for you, could you
a successful one. share with us your personal values that drive your
From my experience, a key to a successful coffee work and initiatives?
shop is thinking of it as a subscription business. Success Akshat: I’ve always been deeply influenced by the
lies in repeat customers. You need to create an experience idea of impacting the bottom of the pyramid. Growing up
that makes people want to return again and again. This is in a middle-class working family, our journey was often
particularly important in a highly competitive market a struggle. Despite the challenges, I’ve been fortunate to
where there are numerous coffee shops. pursue my education and career aspirations.
For aspiring coffee shop owners, there are two main During my time in investment banking, I worked
challenges: securing enough money to start and finding with a company that collaborated with farmers, dealing
the right guidance. Many new entrepreneurs go through with various crops and pulses. This exposure to the peo-
a trial and error process, which can be discouraging. For ple working at the bottom of the pyramid left a significant
example, I have a friend in Mumbai who went to Babson impact on me. Later, when I came to the U.S., I became
College with me and is now starting his own coffee shop. interested in the coffee industry. Despite discouragement,
He faces the same struggles and questions that many new I learned about the local coffee shops here. Unlike big
coffee shop owners encounter. chains like Starbucks, many local coffee shops struggled
What’s needed is not just funding but also mentoring. to make a profit.
New entrepreneurs need the right guidance to take the Reflecting on my journey, I realized that my driving
right steps from the beginning. Imagine a round table force is impacting those at the bottom of the pyramid.
discussion where young coffee entrepreneurs can get Community and human connection are also vital to me. I
advice and share experiences. This would help them start enjoy learning and sharing people’s stories, ensuring they
their coffee shops successfully and sustainably. This is have a beautiful experience, much like the traditional
what the Coffee Futures Fund is about. coffee shops where intellectual conversations and com-
It’s an investment fund, meaning we’re not providing munity gatherings took place.
services for a fee but investing seed money and offering In today’s digital age, personal connections are fading
mentorship. We have a team of mentors who guide entre- as people spend more time on their phones. This shift is
preneurs through various stages of their coffee shop evident among young kids who rarely play outdoor games
journey. In essence, the vision is to support young coffee anymore. Coffee shops now hold a unique place in society,
entrepreneurs by providing both the necessary funding offering a space to reconnect for shared purposes.
and the mentorship to help them grow their businesses Last year, I traveled to Europe to study their coffee
successfully and sustainably. shop culture. I wanted to understand why people spend
so much time there and what they do. This journey rein-
forced my belief in the importance of community, con-
nection, and human belonging. Ultimately, while focusing
on impacting the bottom of the pyramid and fostering
community connections, it’s crucial to have fun. Enjoy
what you’re doing, work hard, and play hard.
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