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               Earlier this year, I had the privilege of being a sta-  pressed by its taste. Patrick secured the runner-up posi-
           giaire at Celler Can Roca, renowned as one of the world’s   tion, confirming the excellence of our coffee and Juan’s
           finest  restaurants.  Thanks  to  Joseph  Roca’s  interest  in   skills. That moment was truly devastating but emotional
           enhancing the coffee offerings, I conducted two training   at the same time.
           workshops  for  the  restaurant  staff,  predominantly  som-  Juan is not only my best friend but also my unwav-
           meliers.  It  was  an  extraordinary  experience  witnessing   ering supporter in every decision I make, just as I am for
           their passion for sensory experiences and expert palates   him. Whenever possible, we journeyed back to Colombia
           as they delved into the world of specialty coffees, which   together. On one such trip, we immediately headed to the
           shares many parallels with wine.               coffee  axis,  where  we  immersed  ourselves  in  an  inten-
               Through this experience, we discovered the poten-  sive diploma course at a premier coffee academy in Latin
           tial to enhance the quality of coffee served and even pair   America. From studying green coffee to its global trade,
           it with certain dishes and desserts to elevate the overall   roasting techniques, and the art of crafting espresso and
           dining experience. This integration could enhance senso-  hand-brewed  beverages,  our  lives  were  transformed  by
           ry experiences on various levels.              this  experience.  Suddenly,  everything  fell  into  place.
               I  wasn’t  an  expert  barista;  I  was  just  a  simple  per-  Our memories on family coffee farms, from my mother’s
           son who came from a family of farmers. Nevertheless, I   roasting to my son’s time with his father and grandfather
           felt the need to go back to my roots and learn everything   at the FNC, along with our shared experiences during the
           I  could  about  every  area  of  coffee  that  I  did  not  know   pandemic, all coalesced into a meaningful journey.
           about. Barista, roasting, tasting—all of them!     With the support of cousins who shared my vision,
               Juan and I make a formidable duo on this journey.   I  initiated  the  project  on  our  family’s  ancestral  coffee
           Despite  his  father’s  wishes  for  him  to  pursue  engineer-  farm.  Together,  we  introduced  new  coffee  varieties,
           ing, Juan followed his passion for coffee and decided to   tended to the existing ones, and enhanced the farm’s wet
           work  as  a  barista.  His  father  doesn’t  talk  to  Juan  right   coffee mill and drying station.
           now.  We  have  faced  difficult  times  and  he  just  kept   Currently, I’m endeavoring to establish a new mar-
           going. He is so passionate that in that short time he be-  ket for Nariño’s coffee here in Europe, and the response
           came the head barista of that cafe. After discovering the   has been overwhelmingly positive! While we’re still rela-
           potential of espresso, he was fascinated by its complex-  tively small-scale to meet the demands of larger roasters,
           ity,  inspiring  him  to  participate  for  the  very  first  time   we’re delighted to represent the pride of our region and
 After some time, I had the chance to work in a vast-  chef,  and  I  am  dying  to  have  an  opportunity  to  get  an   in  the  National  Barista  Championship  2024.  During  the   are steadily expanding, one step at a time.
 ly  different  setting:  a  kitchen  adorned  with  a  coveted   internship here,” He admitted it wasn’t the conventional   competition, my son had a scale problem and had to re-  At present, I split my time between Stockholm and
 Michelin  Star.  It  was  a  revelation—the  techniques,  the   approach  but  admired  my  determination.  Promising  an   tire. However, before he left, he prepared a milk bever-  Nariño.  My  goal  extends  beyond  field  production;  I  aim
 ingredients—a truly astonishing experience!  interview if I waited, he acknowledged my bold move.  age, scoring the highest. Judges praised his performance,   to  become  proficient  in  roasting  and  evolve  into  a  cof-
 My  stint  there  was  brief,  covering  for  an  ill  chef,   The next day, I went to meet with them. I told them   knowledge, humility, and respect. They encouraged him   fee hunter. This endeavor is crucial as I aspire to inspire
 yet  it  left  an  indelible  mark.  Experiencing  the  elevated   that I only had two days available. They laughed and were   to compete next year, acknowledging his coffee as one of   more local farmers to transition to coffee cultivation and
 standards of such kitchens, I realized the need to elevate   dubious  about  having  me  for  just  two  days,  but  I  told   the best in the Nordics. Patrick Rolf, a renowned barista,   aid  them  in  processing.  It’s  all  part  of  a  personal  initia-
 my own skills. Driven by determination, I sought out the   them that they would hardly find a more motivated chef   praised  Juan  Francisco’s  performance  and  our  coffee’s   tive where coffee serves as a catalyst for fostering a cul-
 pinnacle of culinary excellence in Stockholm. There were   than me, that I was willing to work for them on my days   quality.  He  asked  to  use  our  coffee  in  the  final,  im-  ture of peace.
 places with one star, two stars, but then I found the only   off, that I had a very strong work ethic, an endless deter-
 place with 3 Michelin stars—Frantzen! Oh, when I found   mination  to  achieve  my  goals,  and  that  if  they  gave  me
 it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  a chance, I could prove it to them. They asked the head
 How  could  I  possibly  secure  a  spot  there?  Full-  chef if he thought it was a good idea, and to my surprise,
 time  chefs  were  often  seasoned  professionals,  and  in-  I was accepted. I was there for less than a year until I had
 terns boasted extensive culinary backgrounds. The odds   a work injury that sidelined me for a while.
 seemed  insurmountable,  but  I  was  determined  to  seize   During my tenure at Frantzen, I marveled at the me-
 the opportunity nonetheless!  ticulous attention to detail evident from the start.In Mi-
 Aware  they  wouldn’t  entertain  me  without  an  ap-  chelin-starred establishments, the dining experience is a
 pointment,  I  strategized.  Knowing  every  restaurant  has   complete sensory journey. While many end with coffee,   It’s all part of a personal initiative
 delivery  times,  I  took  a  chance  on  my  day  off.  Arriving   it’s often overlooked. We cannot forget the end, which is
 early at Frantzen, I lucked out as the first delivery arrived.   sometimes the most easily neglected experience. To me,   where coffee serves as a catalyst
 Seizing the moment, I met who is now the executive chef.  providing a top-tier coffee  service to  conclude  fine  din-
 He  came  with  two  other  chefs,  I  wasted  no  time   ing was essential. How could they not offer a coffee that   for fostering a culture of peace.
 and introduced myself. “I am Elizabeth, I am a self-made   matched the rest of the experience?

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