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Around the same time, I met a man from Sweden, children in conflict zones, took a toll on my mental and
and our instant connection blossomed into love. Howev- physical health. Overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness
er, my bond with my son was irreplaceable, prompting and guilt, I succumbed to burnout and depression, which
me to return to Colombia. Despite the distance, our rela- manifested as chronic stress syndrome. I was in and out
tionship thrived, with him visiting me periodically. Upon of hospitals for about two years, surgeries after surgeries
my acceptance to the university, I relocated to Sweden with no results, and finally, the doctors said they couldn’t
with my son. As I pursued my master’s degree, our re- do anything for me anymore and sent me home to wait
lationship flourished, leading to our decision to marry. for my death.
My husband embraced his role as a loving stepfather, and However, I wasn’t prepared to surrender to death
together, we upheld our Latino values, prioritizing family just yet; I hadn’t come this far to be defeated. Deter-
bonds by visiting Colombia annually. mined to defy the odds, I refused to succumb easily.
During my master’s program, a visit to the United Reflecting on the vast knowledge of natural medicine
Nations in Geneva sparked a revelation: “this will be among rural communities, I embarked on a personal
my future employer,” I resolved. Back in Stockholm, I quest for alternative treatments. Drawing insights from
completed my degree, focusing my thesis on Colombia’s ancient texts and traditional practices, I delved into the
forest protection, because I knew the subject firsthand. principles of Hippocratic medicine, scrutinized my di-
With stellar grades, I began my career in environmen- etary habits, embraced the therapeutic value of walking
tal institutions, progressing to roles in international barefoot on grass, and explored meditation techniques.
relations. However, after a few years, a difficult divorce Despite months of debilitating illness, I gradually im-
left my son and me seeking comfort within our family. plemented these newfound practices and experienced a
Returning to Colombia, I embraced single motherhood gradual improvement in my health with each passing day.
anew, navigating financial challenges. I was looking for During that period, one of my brothers resided in
a job in an environmental organization, public sector, Filandia, a quaint coffee town nestled in the heart of the
whatever, but nothing seemed to work... I was overquali- coffee axis. Sensing the therapeutic potential of rural
fied according to them. life, he urged me to visit, hoping it would aid in my re-
Embracing my faith as a Latina, I entrusted my jour- covery. Instantly captivated by the town’s charm upon
ney to God and took action. Starting anew, I applied for arrival, I found myself returning multiple times until the
an internship at an international organization in my field. allure became undeniable—I decided to make Filandia my ment, transforming its compact kitchen into my culinary
Despite being deemed too old for an internship, I persist- permanent home. Yet, amidst the tranquility, questions workshop. Immersing myself in the world of ice cream,
ed, recognizing the importance of beginnings. Eventually, lingered: How could I sustain myself in such a small com- I delved into online resources, grateful for the wealth of
I secured a position at the United Nations Development munity as an international environmental lawyer? Strug- knowledge available via the internet, YouTube tutorials,
Program in my hometown. My role in the environment gling financially after medical expenses, I leaned on my and Netflix’s “Chef’s Table” series, particularly the des-
and peacebuilding sector utilized my work experience mother’s support. However, I knew reliance couldn’t last Facing a similar need in Filandia, devoid of local sert-focused episodes. It was there I first encountered the
and public relations expertise. Tasked with designing forever; I needed to carve out a livelihood soon. I was acquaintances or quality eateries, I turned once more masterful Jordi Roca and his acclaimed gelateria, Rocam-
campaigns and projects for rural communities affected not afraid of starting from scratch again; I did it once so I to the culinary traditions of my family. Memories of bolesc, in Girona, Spain—my newfound hero. Making a
by conflict, I ventured into red zones, advocating for ag- could do it again. my grandmother’s rustic ice cream-making technique vow to one day meet him, share my journey, and plead for
riculture as a means of post-conflict livelihood. Reflecting on potential solutions, I recalled my re- flooded back. During scorching summers on her farm, the opportunity to apprentice under his guidance.
I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to my work, sourcefulness during college when I needed to support she whipped up a delicacy known as “Helado de pai- With my recipes finely tuned and crafted from lo-
deeply saddened each time our projects concluded and my son financially. Drawing upon the culinary wisdom la” – pan ice cream – in the traditional Nariño style, a cally sourced, organic ingredients, I launched my passion
we had to depart from communities still in need. Feel- passed down from my grandma and mom, I embarked on fading art. This involved a copper pan nestled on a bed project: “Pailato,” a fusion of “Paila” (pan) and gelato.
ing a greater responsibility to aid these communities, I a venture crafting homemade cookies, chocolates, sand- of ice, utilizing blocks harvested from the Cumbal vol- Equipped with a table, essential tools, and boundless de-
realized I required additional expertise. Thus, I pursued wiches, and even offering dinner coupons for special cano and insulated with sheep wool to endure the jour- termination, I set up shop. Come the following Sunday,
further studies, obtaining master’s degrees in Sustain- occasions. My classmates appreciated my cooking style, ney down the mountain atop a horse. Once at the farm, I positioned my table on the bustling street and got to
able Development and Gender Studies. Recognizing the providing a profitable outlet. the ice was buried in a prepared hole until needed, work on churning out my ice cream creations. To my as-
challenges faced by women in rural areas, I integrated a preserving it for days. This cherished treat had always tonishment, they were an instant hit! The townsfolk had
gender perspective into environmental projects, leading been a hit at family gatherings, sparking inspiration for never encountered anything quite like it; some even spec-
to successful funding from international cooperation my next entrepreneurial endeavor. ulated that I had invented this unique method myself.
agencies. However, prolonged exposure to distressing Eureka! I had my plan. Heading to the farm, I re- Unsurprisingly, the crowd favorite was the rich, velvety
realities, particularly the plight of abused women and trieved my late grandma’s cherished copper pan, once used coffee flavor—a true delight to the senses. This marked
as decoration after my grandmother died. I knew she’d be the first time I earned money by sharing my culinary
pleased to see it put to use, so I felt no guilt in taking it creations with complete strangers, a moment of immense
along. Upon reaching Filandia, I secured a modest apart- pride and the beginning of my journey as a chef.
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