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P. 112
36 R. de Turbigo
Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 6pm. Sat-Sun: 9am - 6:30pm.
Metro Station: Arts et Métiers - Bus Stop: Turbigo - Etienne Marcel
Partisan Café Artisanal
Your Best Coffee
Brothers Anthony and Georges Karam opened Par- please everybody with a variety of products,” says Georg-
tisan in 2018. Anthony had been working in wine since es. “We’re looking for a variety of tastes. There is no best
the early 2000s, and Georges had spent 15 years in fi- coffee. There is only your best coffee.”
nance when they decided to do something together. They It seems to be a good approach–Partisan is always
knew they wanted to work in an artisanal field and con- busy. No matter the time of day, the bench seating in and
sidered bread and beer, but ended up choosing coffee outside this popular cafe in the Arts-et-Métiers neighbor-
after seeing how coffee consumption was changing hood is full of people. Inside, concrete walls and floors are
around the world. “It was still really slow in Paris. There accented by exposed brick and stone. The roaster is on
were a few people around in 2015 but nothing like today. display on the main floor of the cafe, emphasizing the
So, at the time, the motivation was to be part of this important role roasting plays in their work.
revolution,” says Georges. The cafe’s large windows open to create an indoor/
They knew that roasting was going to be at the heart outdoor effect that is needed during the hot days of summer.
of their work, so Georges spent two years training in Co- The coffees available at Partisan are linked to harvest.
penhagen. It was important that they offer a dark-roasted “Producing countries do not harvest and process coffee at
espresso that would appeal to how the French like to drink the same time, which is fantastic. When Ethiopia and Ken-
coffee but also their fellow Lebanese people, but they also ya are harvesting, Brazil is not. So depending on the time
wanted light roasted coffees that allow the terroir and the of year, you’re going to have fresh coffee from the countries
specific taste profiles of a variety to shine. “We want to that are harvesting,” says Georges.
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