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 14 Rue Chappe
 Fri-Mon: 9am - 4pm. Tue-Thur: Closed
 Metro Station: Abbesses - Bus Stop: Chappe

 Clove Coffee Shop

 More Of An Art Form

 Tucked away on a quiet street in the bustling Mont-  chase. If you look closely at the brick wall, you’ll find small
 martre  district,  you’ll  find  Clove  Coffee  Shop,  a  relative   pots displayed in the spaces where the bricks have broken
 newcomer to the Paris coffee scene.   away. On sunny days, the light streams through the front
 Partners Florent Marcault and Ella Fatima McElroy had   windows and projects the name of the cafe on the stone
 been working together in coffee and decided they wanted   columns inside.
 to open their own cafe the New Years Eve before Covid hit.   Florent and Ella’s attention to detail extends beyond
 This slowed down their plan, but Ella says it gave them time   the space to the coffee and pastries. Clove sources coffee
 to save and envision what they wanted the space to be. “We   from Swerl in Sweden, The Picky Chemist in Belgium, and
 really wanted to make a coffee shop that had our own vision   Dak  in  Amsterdam.    They  even  adopted  different  water
 and style,” she shares. Instead of focusing on profit at the   filter  systems,  so  they  can  adapt  the  water  based  on  the
 detriment  of  customers,  products,  and  employees,  they   coffee. Drinks are served in ceramic cups that Ella, a cera-
 wanted their approach to be “more of an art form.”   mist, crafted for each beverage. The cups range in size and
 You feel this approach as soon as you step into Clove,   in colors, from specked off-white to a dark brown with a
 which  opened  late  2022.  The  coffee  shop’s  aesthetic  is   matte finish.
 minimalistic but warm. The black coffee gear sits atop white   If you’re unable to get a table at Clove, you can take
 countertops that are offset by an exposed brick wall. Wood   your coffee to go and continue up the hill to take in views
 shelves hold coffee and an array of ceramic cups for pur-  of Paris from the steps of The Basilica of Sacré Coeur.

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