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 Guinea partners by providing them with the tools they need   view  2021/2022),  coffee  producers  are  grappling  with   ers  to  leverage  their  influence  for  positive  change.  In
 to process their coffees independently. Additionally, we   various obstacles, from low and volatile prices to gender   response, NKG CEO David M. Neumann initiated a dia-
 offer education and support to deepen their knowledge of   inequity and climate change-induced weather patterns.  logue, laying the groundwork for collaborative action.
 coffee processing techniques.” Nadia shared with me.  Recognizing the critical role of digital tools in en-  Fast forward to today, and the fruits of this col-
 Looking ahead, Upstream’s aspirations extend be-  hancing efficiency and sustainability within the coffee   laboration  are  evident  as  the  program  recently  an-
 yond  mere  transactions;  they  envision  a  future  where   industry, DOEP aims to empower coffee professionals at   nounced  the  selection  of  its  third  class  of  Partners.
 ethical  sourcing,  sustainability,  and  inclusivity  are  the   origin with the knowledge and skills necessary to lever-  With  locations  spanning  from  the  Neumann  Gruppe
 norm. “We aspire to further advance education, fair trade   age  digital  solutions  effectively.  By  bridging  the  gap   USA headquarters in Hoboken to offices in San Diego
 practices, and inclusivity within the coffee supply chain,”   between available technologies and on-the-ground needs,   and  Seattle,  these  partnerships  represent  a  commit-
 Nadia said. With a steadfast commitment to their values   this initiative strives to equip participants with practical   ment  to  creating  inclusive  spaces  and  opportunities
 and  collaborative  partnerships,  Upstream  is  poised  to   strategies for implementing digital tools tailored to their   for baristas from diverse backgrounds.
 drive meaningful change and create a more sustainable   specific contexts.  Through NKG PACE, baristas receive not only tech-
 future for the coffee industry and its stakeholders.   At the heart of the program lies a bottom-up approach,   nical training in quality control and green coffee import-
 At its core, what Upstream is doing isn’t just about   emphasizing  participant-centered  learning  and  hands-on   ing but also mentorship and support to navigate career
 business;  it’s  about  catalyzing  positive  change  within  an   training. Through live online sessions and interactive mod-  advancement within the coffee industry. By equipping
 industry that touches the lives of millions around the world.   ules,  coffee  professionals  representing  cooperatives,  ex-  individuals with the knowledge and skills to excel in their
 Their commitment to social responsibility isn’t just a mar-  porters, and small and medium-sized enterprises will gain   roles, NKG PACE empowers baristas to contribute mean-
 keting strategy; it’s a moral imperative. In a world where   a comprehensive understanding of digitalization fundamen-  ingfully  to  the  coffee  community  while  dismantling
 corporate  interests  often  overshadow  ethical  consider-  tals, from data collection and management to project mon-  barriers to entry and advancement.
 ations, Upstream’s ethos serves as a reminder that profit-  itoring and evaluation.  Furthermore,  the  program’s  scope  has  broadened
 ability and purpose can coexist harmoniously.  DOEP represents a pioneering effort to democratize   over time. While the initial year primarily emphasized
           access to digital solutions within the coffee sector. By   Quality Control and laboratory work, the educational and
 In an industry historically dominated by men, ini-  The Role of Educational Outreach Programs  fostering a supportive learning environment and provid-  apprenticeship aspects now encompass a wider range of
 tiatives like active involvement in organizations such as   ing personalized guidance, it aims to unlock the trans-  areas, including Inbound Logistics, Outbound Logistics,
 the  IWCA  are  crucial  steps  towards  creating  a  more    Expanding upon the principles of social responsi-  formative  potential  of  digitalization  for  coffee  profes-  Customer Service, and Trade.
 balanced  and  diverse  coffee  community.  By  providing   bility and ethical sourcing, my focus shifted towards the   sionals  at  origin,  ultimately  contributing  to  a  more   “By listening closely to the Partners, and with as-
 equal  employment  opportunities  and  advocating  for   transformative  potential  of  educational  outreach  pro-  resilient and sustainable coffee industry.  sistance  from  industry  collaborators,  we  continue  to
 women’s participation at all levels of the supply chain,   grams within the coffee industry. Just as companies like   Over on the other side of the coffee supply chain,   adjust the program each year,” said Michelle Maisto, NKG
 Upstream  not  only  fosters  empowerment  but  also  en-  Upstream Coffee Imports have demonstrated a commit-  initiatives like the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe Partnership   PACE program coordinator. “We see so much hard-won
 riches the industry with diverse perspectives and talents.  ment to fostering positive change through collaboration   to  Advance  Coffee  Equity  (NKG  PACE)  are  reshaping   wisdom,  initiative  and  entrepreneurial  spirit  from  the
 Furthemore, promoting social responsibility is in-  and  shared  values,  educational  initiatives  within  the   the  landscape  for  baristas,  offering  opportunities  for   Partners and candidates. By adding to that our knowledge
 grained in Upstream’s DNA, “We believe in profit par-  coffee  sector  serve  as  catalysts  for  empowerment  and   advancement and empowerment. While much attention   of the supply chain, our NKG PACE colleagues emerge
 ticipation for all stakeholders. By ensuring that everyone   sustainable growth.  is rightfully directed towards supporting coffee produc-  as well-rounded coffee professionals who are undeniable
 involved, from producing communities to roaster part-  In  the  context  of  origin  challenges,  educational   ers  at  origin,  programs  like  NKG  PACE  recognize  the   assets to the coffee industry.”
 ners, is a profit participant, we uphold our commitment   outreach programs emerge as vital tools for addressing   importance of fostering equity and diversity within the   She continues, “The work of racial equity is slow
 to social responsibility. We are actively looking to work   systemic  challenges  and  driving  long-term  impact.  By   retail sector of the coffee industry.  and challenging, but the rewards always far exceed the
 with partners, with community and social welfare pro-  equipping individuals and communities with knowledge   At its core, NKG PACE is a quality control-focused   investment. I’m grateful to David M. Neumann, Group
 grams, providing daycare facilities and basic healthcare   and skills, these programs not only enhance livelihoods   green coffee training program designed to provide mem-  CEO of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, for giving us the space,
 services for women and children in the coffee farming   but also contribute to the overall resilience and sustain-  bers of the Black community with a comprehensive un-  funding  and  leadership  support  to  continue  working
 community, as well as promoting economic development   ability of the coffee supply chain. Through partnerships   derstanding of the coffee supply chain, particularly the   toward genuine growth and change—in the industry, our
 through a livestock and kitchen garden project. We offer   and collaborative efforts, such programs have the poten-  nuances  of  green  coffee  importing.  This  initiative  ad-  companies and ourselves. I invite like minded companies
 transparency and direct relationships between the roast-  tial  to  reshape  the  dynamics  of  the  coffee  industry,   dresses  the  stark  disparities  in  employment  and  deci-  to join us.”
 ers  we  work  with  and  the  farms/mills  that  we  source   making it more equitable, resilient, and responsive to the   sion-making roles within the U.S. coffee industry, offer-  As the coffee industry continues to evolve, initia-
 from.” Nadia added.  needs of all stakeholders.  ing a pathway for underrepresented individuals to gain   tives  like  NKG  PACE  and  DOEP  serve  as  catalysts  for
 Upstream’s success stories and achievements speak   One  prime  example  of  an  educational  outreach   valuable insights and skills.  progress, driving towards a future where equity, diver-
 volumes  about  the  company’s  commitment  to  making  a   program is Digital Coffee Future’s Digital Origin Education   The  genesis  of  NKG  PACE  can  be  traced  back  to   sity, and inclusion are not just aspirations but fundamen-
 positive impact in the coffee industry. One such accom-  Program (DOEP). This initiative seeks to address the press-  June 2020, a pivotal moment in American history marked   tal principles guiding every aspect of the supply chain.
 plishment includes supplying green grading equipment to   ing  challenges  faced  by  coffee  professionals  at  origin,   by  widespread  protests  against  racial  injustice.  Phyllis   By investing in the development and empowerment of
 their  partners  in  Papua  New  Guinea,  Timor-Leste,  and   particularly in light of declining incomes and limited access   Johnson,  co-founder  and  president  of  BD  Imports  and   baristas and origin partners, we pave the way for a more
 Guatemala, “We actively seek opportunities to be a force   to crucial information and resources. As highlighted by the   founder of the Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity (CCRE),   equitable and vibrant coffee culture that celebrates the
 for  good,  and  it’s  a  privilege  to  support  our  Papua  New   International Coffee Organization’s data (ICO Annual Re-  issued an open letter to the coffee industry, urging lead-  contributions of all its members.

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