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From Bean to Sea portant species in sequestering atmospheric carbon. Our
ability to promote the growth and expansion of seagrass
Just as initiatives like the MayBee project demonstrate beds is widely recognized as an important way of removing
the industry’s commitment to environmental stewardship, carbon from the atmosphere.”
coffee professionals are increasingly adopting sustainable After making significant strides in Clew Bay, the team
practices to minimize their environmental footprint and at Watermark Coffee expanded their efforts to Dublin,
promote long-term ecological resilience. One such exempla- initiating the Dublin Bay Oyster Reseeding Project. “Our
ry endeavor can be seen in the work of Watermark Coffee. oyster reseeding project has clear aims: to improve biodi-
Founded by David Lawlor and his wife, Marguerite, whose versity, foster carbon sequestration, and enhance water
unique approach to sustainability centers around their Green quality,” Lawlor affirmed.
Ocean Coffee initiative. Moreover, Watermark Coffee’s initiative seamlessly
Watermark Coffee has chosen the ocean as their pri- integrates with broader endeavors to combat climate change
mary cause to support, particularly focusing on restoring and preserve coastal environments. “Our project aligns with
the oyster population in Clew Bay, located in County Mayo, sustainability initiatives like water treatment and land use,
Ireland. Recognizing the critical role of oysters as a key- enhancing its efficacy over time,” Lawlor explained. Described
stone species in marine ecosystems, Lawlor embarked on as passive restoration, the project focuses on creating condu-
this project as a response to the urgent need for climate cive conditions for nature to thrive.
action. He emphasized, “Every effort, no matter how small, “The oysters we reintroduce act as ‘engineers of the
makes a difference. We are now at a ‘make or break’ stage sea,’ forming reefs that stabilize the seafloor and offer
where we need to take every opportunity to make better protection against storm surges,” Lawlor underscored. He
climate decisions.” highlighted the pivotal role of seagrass in carbon seques-
Oysters, known for their ability to filter seawater, play tration, noting, “Seagrass beds, promoted by our project,
a crucial role in enhancing water clarity and supporting the serve as significant carbon sinks, sequestering atmospher-
growth of marine plants like seagrass. Lawlor explained, ic carbon at an impressive rate. Measurement and tracking
“The presence of oysters in the habitat helps to improve of project progress are paramount. Metrics like biodiver- Watermark Coffee’s Green Ocean Coffee project exemplifies the coffee industry’s growing
water clarity as each oyster can filter water at a rate of 190 sity observations and oyster biomass development serve commitment to sustainable practices. By integrating coffee consumption with marine restoration
liters of water per day per oyster.” as indicators.” efforts, David Lawlor and his team demonstrate the potential for businesses to make a tangible
Furthermore, oyster reefs serve as natural barriers Overcoming challenges such as time constraints and impact on environmental conservation.
against storm surges and contribute to carbon sequestration. funding limitations, Watermark Coffee remains steadfast in
David elaborated, “Seagrass is now recognized as an im- its aspirations for the project’s future. The project’s long-term
success relies on various strategies, including habitat resto-
ration, genetic diversity preservation, and community en-
gagement. Volunteers and stakeholders collaborate closely to
monitor oyster growth, biodiversity, and water quality.
Lawloremphasized the importance of community involve-
ment, stating, “Investing time and resources into marketing
the message is essential. Our volunteer sessions are a mix of “When it comes
people from all walks of life and all ages.”
Ensuring the project’s sustainability also involves a
collaborative approach with various stakeholders. “Engaging
volunteers in citizen science activities and partnering with to climate action,
academic institutions like University College Dublin are in-
tegral to monitoring biodiversity and oyster health,” David
emphasized. Genetic diversity is prioritized through sourcing
oysters from disease-free populations.
“In 15 to 20 years, we envision self-sustaining oyster authenticity trumps
reefs in Dublin Bay,” Lawlor shared. “These reefs will fos-
ter thriving marine ecosystems and amplify awareness of
marine habitat stewardship among communities.” Through
Watermark Coffee’s visionary leadership and communi- everything else.”
ty-driven approach, the oyster reseeding project stands as
a beacon of environmental stewardship.
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