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Roasters as Cultivators of Direct Relationships cultivation. Odelia explains, “By adopting a coffee tree,
A decade ago, the idea of coffee roasters personally participants become a part of the coffee’s journey, from
visiting coffee farms might have seemed peculiar to planting to harvest.” Funds from the adoption program
many in the industry. However, in recent years, a trans- contribute to farm improvement, equipment, and sala-
formative shift has occurred, marking a noteworthy ries, illustrating a commitment to sustainable and eth-
trend in the world of coffee. Today, it is not uncommon ical coffee production. Stefanus further emphasizes the
for roasters to embark on journeys to origin countries, program’s significance in addressing economic dispar-
fostering direct relationships with coffee producers. ities, stating, “It is not uncommon to see teenagers and
This emerging practice signifies a departure from tra- very young adults working on farms when they could
ditional approaches and an embrace of a more hands-on, have been going to school.” The initiative advocates fair
relationship-driven model. compensation and recognition for farmers, reinforcing
Roasters now recognize the immense value in wit- the importance of their role in the industry.
nessing the entire coffee production process, from culti- Looking ahead, Compound Coffee and Odelia Or-
vation to harvest, and building direct connections with ganic envision extensive collaborations and initiatives
the farmers who cultivate the beans that eventually grace for their East Java farm, including a farmstay program,
our cups. This evolution has brought about a profound long-term initiatives like “Work From Farm,” and vol-
change in the dynamics of the coffee industry, emphasiz- unteer programs. Stefanus articulates the long-term
ing the importance of forging personal relationships in vision, stating, “The long-term vision is to create a
the pursuit of high-quality, ethically-sourced coffee. holistic environment where visitors, volunteers, and
In a development aligning with the current trend locals can interact, learn, and grow together, contrib-
of roasters venturing into direct relationships with uting to a better world and supporting those who are
coffee farmers, Odelia Organic, affiliated with Singa- marginalized.”
pore’s Compound Coffee Co. co-roastery, has taken a Odelia adds, “These collaborations and initiatives
significant step towards transparency and sustainabili- aim to engage the local community further and promote
ty. The recently acquired coffee farm in Wonosalam, sustainable agriculture practices.” This endeavor by
East Java, Indonesia, serves as an eco-friendly agro-tour- Compound Coffee Co. and Odelia Organic reflects a
ism endeavor. This strategic move embodies Compound broader industry trend where roasters actively partic-
Coffee’s dedication to ethical and sustainable practices, ipate in the cultivation process, fostering transparency,
as Stefanus Goana, Co-owner of Compound Coffee Co., sustainability, and a deeper connection between con-
explains, “By owning and operating a farm, we can di- sumers and coffee farmers.
rectly implement and demonstrate sustainable farming
techniques and ethical labor practices. The farm be- Breaking Ground in Cafe Concepts
comes a living model for responsible coffee production,
ensuring fair compensation for farmers and elevating There are coffee shops that challenge the status
their living standards.” quo, going beyond the conventional norms of café
The initiative extends beyond ownership, aiming culture. These establishments redefine the boundaries
to bridge the gap between consumers and coffee farm- of what a coffee shop can be, introducing innovative
ers. Stefanus emphasizes the farm’s role in creating concepts that capture the interest and imagination of
awareness, stating, “The initiatives primarily aim to consumers. From unique interior designs to unconven- Fenster, German for “window,” has been a staple
create awareness about the complexities and hard work tional services, these coffee shops are setting new in Vienna since 2011, starting as a humble coffee shop
involved in the coffee industry, creating an awareness standards in the industry. with limited resources and growing into a renowned
that coffee doesn’t flow into your cup that simply.” The In the bustling heart of Vienna, a small window establishment. Sashko’s vision for Fenster was driven
program goes beyond traditional agro-tourism, allowing opens up to a unique coffee experience, and behind by the desire to perfect the art of coffee making. He
participants to plant coffee trees with their own hands that window is the inspiring journey of Fenster Cafe shares, “I realized that if someone only made coffee
and adopt a tree under their name, fostering a direct and its founder, Sashko Iamkovyi. As the founder of and didn’t offer any other drinks or food, they could-
connection with the cultivation process. Stefanus un- Fenster Cafe, Sashko’s passion for coffee and business perfect their craft more quickly.” Choosing a to-go
derlines the rare opportunity the trip provides to “con- becomes evident in the way he speaks about his ven- format over traditional café setups was a strategic
nect directly with the farmers and their families, un- ture. He reflects, “Coffee and business is an interesting business decision, minimizing overhead expenses.
derstand their challenges, and witness the journey of journey and challenge. For me personally, it’s a way of Sashko explains, “Coffee is an inexpensive and quick
coffee from seed to cup.” life, because I have nothing else. From the very begin- drink. If there are tables, people will come in, buy one
Odelia Organic’s unique adoption program is not ning to now, for nine years, I have been living only
merely symbolic but involves a commitment to coffee with this, and it gives me pleasure.” cup of coffee, and take up the space.”
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