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                                                                                                                                                                         Durbè emphasizes the unique approach, stating, “It’s
                                                                                                                                                                     the coffee, not the rotating basket or the air in it that we
                                                                                                                                                                     are heating. It’s the coffee itself being heated, the sun’s
                                                                                                                                                                     rays hitting coffee beans, heating them and causing the
                                                                                                                                                                     heating  of  the  air  surrounding  it.  But,  essentially,  the
                                                                                                                                                                     warmest part of all of this is the bean itself.”
                                                                                                                      Harnessing Sunshine
                                                                                                                                                                         However,  the  success  of  PuroSole  is  somewhat
                                                                                                                                                                     weather-dependent. On sunny days, the plant can roast
                                                                                                                          Roasting is a crucial step in the coffee-making pro-
                                                                                                                                                                     coffee efficiently, saving a substantial amount of elec-
                                                                                                                      cess,  significantly  influencing  the  flavor  profiles  that
                                                                                                                                                                     tricity.  A  PuroSole  plant  in  southern  Italy,  equipped
                                                                                                                      coffee enthusiasts cherish. In the heart of Rome, two vi-
                                                                                                                                                                     with  40  mirrors,  can  reportedly  roast  up  to  30,000
                                                                                                                      sionary engineers, Antonio Durbe and Daniele Tummei,
                                                                                                                                                                     kilograms  of  coffee  annually,  saving  around  60,000
                                                                                                                      have embarked on a journey to reimagine this essential
                                                                                                                                                                     kilowatt-hours of electricity.
                                                                                                                      stage  by  introducing  an  environmentally  friendly  so-
                                                                                                                                                                         “It’s  the  coffee  itself  being  heated,  the  sun’s  rays
                                                                                                                      lar-powered coffee roaster named PuroSole. With almost
                                                                                                                                                                     hitting coffee beans, heating them and causing the heating
                                                                                                                      six years of dedication, Durbe and Tummei have developed   of the air surrounding it,” Daniele explains.
                                                         began to see the opportunity for even greater ways in        a system that revolutionizes coffee roasting without rely-
                                                         which we could see success come to this country and its      ing on traditional electricity or gas sources.     In terms of environmental impact, PuroSole claims
                                                         coffee program. It was at this point that Coffee Blossom         The solar coffee roaster harnesses the abundant Roman   to  save  approximately  400  kilograms  of  CO2  for  every
                                                         Honey was born.”                                             sunshine  to  roast  up  to  50  kilograms  of  coffee  beans  per   tonne  of  roasted  coffee—a  noteworthy  contribution  to
                                                             Highlighting the dual benefits of honey production,      hour. The system occupies an area approximately half the   sustainability in contemporary times. The company not
                                                         Edwin emphasizes, “What this has done for Guatemalan         size of a tennis court and is entirely powered by solar ener-  only produces its own brand of coffee, available online,
                                                         farmers is essentially it gives them a much better life!     gy. Durbe explains, “We don’t use fossil fuels, such as gas,   but also seeks to propagate the use of solar-powered cof-
                                                         And what more can we ask?” The introduction of bees          electricity. It is all purely and directly solar energy being   fee roasting for a more sustainable future.
                                                         not only improves coffee plant health but also provides                                                         The founders envision a broader impact beyond their
            Nectar of Innovation Another fascinating innova-                                                          concentrated on the bean, zero energy consumption.”  coffee  brand—make  their  solar  coffee  roasting  plants
        tion is the production of Coffee Blossom Honey in Gua-  an additional revenue stream, offering financial stability.  A set of mirrors focuses sun rays onto the coffee roast-  accessible to environmentally conscious small businesses,
        temala.  This  unique  product  is  a  byproduct  of  coffee   Discussing the taste of Coffee Blossom Honey com-  er, and even the minimal electrical components are powered   with  a  mission  to  significantly  reduce  the  cost  of  large
        cultivation, showcasing how every part of the coffee plant   pared to store-bought varieties, Edwin notes, “For many,   by a small solar panel. Controlled by a computer, sensors   thermodynamic plants.
        can  be  utilized.  During  an  interview,  Edwin  Martinez,   what they are used to when they consume store-bought   ensure that the mirrors track the sun’s movement, directing
        CEO of Onyx Coffee / Coffee Blossom Honey, shares the   honey is a cheaper/lesser-quality product. Coffee Blos-  its light onto a rotating steel basket containing fresh coffee
        fascinating  story  of  the  lesser-known  yet  significant   som  Honey  has  a  delicate  taste,  with  floral  notes  and   beans. This innovative process, apart from being environ-
        world of Coffee Blossom Honey, emphasizing its poten-  significantly greater crispness and clarity. You can taste   mentally conscious and economically viable, enhances the
        tial impact on coffee crops and the lives of farmers.  the nuances (from the blossoms) much like you can taste   preservation  of  the  coffee’s  aroma,  resulting  in  a  richer
            Growing  up  in  Guatemala  surrounded  by  coffee   the nuances in coffee grown in the various regions.”  flavor compared to conventional roasting methods.
        farming,  Edwin’s  connection  with  the  land  shaped  his   Expressing hope for the future of Coffee Blossom
        journey. Reflecting on his childhood, he reminisces, “It   Honey, Edwin envisions continued growth that benefits
        is situated in the western-highlands and shares borders   both the team in Bellingham and the farmers in Guate-
        with the Mexican state of Chiapas in the north and west.   mala.  Despite  the  challenges  posed  by  COVID-19,  the
        Before this farm became my parent’s it belonged to my   company remains resilient, and Edwin encourages con-
        Grandparents and so I have many great memories over   sumers to support their mission. Edwin Martinez’s jour-
        many great years of this place.”                 ney reflects the transformative power of Coffee Blossom
            Moving  to  the  USA,  Edwin  continued  his  passion   Honey in diversifying income sources for farmers and
        for coffee, eventually founding Onyx Coffee. However,   enhancing the overall quality of coffee cultivation.
        it was during his interactions with humanitarian groups
        and his efforts to connect Bellingham to Guatemala that
        Coffee Blossom Honey emerged as a new initiative. In a
        recent interview, Edwin shares, “Through the growth of
        Onyx  Coffee  as  an  importer  of  Guatemalan  coffees,  I

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