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 Looking at this and considering the status of labels,   Another  aspect  to  consider  is  the  demarcation  of
 particularly  in  the  context  of  coffee  as  a  commodity,   the land in question—whether it is recorded and desig-  COUNTRY  2020  2021  2022
 India seems to be in a relatively safer position currently.   nated as farm or agricultural land, or if it is classified as   IN TONNES  % OF TOTAL  IN TONNES  % OF TOTAL  IN TONNES  % OF TOTAL
 Technically, the new regulations should not significant-  forest land. This distinction determines whether certain
 ly affect us; if anything, they might even have a slightly   tree  cutting  activities  are  permitted  or  not.  Nearly  all   BRAZIL  932,311  33.7%  1,033,105  37.1%  1,041,696  35.3%
 positive  impact,  as  stated  by  a  representative  from  a   coffee farms in India are technically situated in agro-for-  VIETNAM  632,499  22.8%  533,059  19.1%  648,005  22.8%
 trading company in South India.  est land, meaning that coffee has been grown as agricul-  UGANDA  165,860  6.0%  212,289  7.6%  214,649  7.3%
 He further emphasizes that there are a few interre-  ture under conditions resembling forests.  HONDURAS  216,405  7.8%  191,085  6.9%  158,430  5.4%
 lated factors to consider here:  The  fact  that  our  coffees  are  cultivated  in  such
 forest-like conditions has historically not been advanta-  INDIA  108,194  3.9%  122,506  4.4%  151,471  5.1%
 · The regulation specifically addresses deforesta-  geous, as it has resulted in lower yields and longer mat-  COLOMBIA  96,358  3.5%  84,618  3.0%  130,285  4.4%
 tion that has occurred post-2020.  uration  periods.  However,  this  new  regulation  might   PERU  153,632  5.6%  142,211  5.1%  124,278  4.2%
 · It pertains to the deforestation of forests.  actually  benefit  us.  If  there  are  countries  from  which   INDONESIA  77,376  2.8%  85,941  3.1%  102,152  3.5%
 imports are restricted, it could mean increased opportu-
 Another farmer from South India notes that India   nities to sell more coffee.  ETHIOPIA  77,427  2.8%  83,113  3.0%  92,474  3.1%
 has been a coffee-growing nation for a significant period.   A representative from a trading company added that   NICARAGUA  42,695  1.5%  41,924  1.5%  38,170  1.3%
 This includes the fact that many people have been en-  one of the persistent challenges with the regulation is   TANZANIA
 gaged  in  coffee  farming  since  the  time  of  British  rule   ensuring compliance. Fulfilling these requirements, such   30,628  1.1%  40,182  1.4%  35,496  1.2%
 (and  even  earlier  in  some  cases).  Most  of  the  coffee   as location mapping of the areas from which coffees are   GUATEMALA  27,851  1.0%  33,079  1.1%  31,442  1.1%
 estates  were  passed  down  to  current  growers,  particu-  sourced into the EU, may pose difficulties due to lower
 larly around the time of Indian Independence. In terms   connectivity and increased expenses, especially for small   MEXICO  30,172  1.1%  27,776  1.0%  25,533  0.9%
 of coffee-growing land, there hasn’t been much expan-  and  medium-sized  farms.  The  government  would  need   PAPUA NEW GUINEA  17,102  0.6%  19,912  0.7%  21,725  0.7%
 sion, especially not since 2020.  to play a significant role in assisting with these compli-  CHINA  19,954  0.7%  14,808  0.5%  21,106  0.7%
 ances. This includes accurately demarcating land use for   KENYA  21,311  0.8%  15,951  0.6%  20,056  0.7%
 agro-farming, agriculture, and forest purposes. This not
 only  helps  understand  land  use  and  activities  but  also   COTE D’IVOIRE   25,910  0.9%  13,195  0.5%  13,163  0.4%
 tracks changes in forest land over time.  CAMEROON  15,808  0.6%  15,286  0.5%    9,734        0.3%
 A farmer from the southeast of the country express-  COSTA RICA  11,234  0.4%  13,276  0.5%  9,373  0.3%
 es concern that while India is currently not on the list,
 regulations  could  change  or  certifications  could  be  al-  EL SALVADOR  6,733  0.2%  6,969  0.3%  8,802  0.3%
 tered, potentially resulting in our country being labeled   OTHERS  58,473  2.2%  54,111  1.9%  49,654  1.7%
 as high risk for deforestation. For farmers like them who
 may struggle with proper mapping or meeting certifica-
 tion criteria, this could mean being unable to sell coffee   EU27 TOTAL
 outside of relying on local aggregators.  2,767,880  100.0%  2,784,374  100.0%  2,947,693    100.0%
 Such a scenario could lead to larger farms purchas-
 ing  coffee  from  smaller  ones  to  trade  in  areas  with
 stricter regulations. The certification would validate their
 produce,  but  the  traceability  of  the  coffee  would  only
 exist on paper, potentially exploiting smaller farms.  THE CHALLENGE LIES IN
 Now if we look at the regulations and the countries
 that  are  on  the  high-risk  rankings  under  deforestation
 along with the chart presented above, the statistics will
 change a lot, something that will affect a lot of families   WHOM THIS REGULATION
 and people, both in a positive and negative way. Will it
 also  bring  about  a  change  in  the  prices  based  on  the
                           AFFECTS, AS THIS WILL
 demand and supply? We do not know yet.


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