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Communicating the Tea to Young People Apart from being able to source good and even rare
tea varieties, the family business also allows the brand
Beca Tea has three principles: good tea, good ser- to have the advantage of pricing. Beca Tea can serve
vice, and bringing the customers on the journey of dis- customers high-quality tea but at an affordable price for
covering tea. “Good products and services are common young people. Silver needle tea, an iconic traditional Chi-
sense for people in the tea business. However, our prin- nese tea, is one of the signature drinks in the shop. Origi-
ciple’s third point makes us different from others. Some nating from Fujian Province, China, the silver needle has
people may think we are idiots or very naive for trying a fresh and sweet flavor and is believed to be good for
to take young people on a journey of exploring tea. How- health. It is one of the most expensive varieties of white
ever, I feel that is our mission now.” Said Wong. Never- tea, as only the top buds of the tea leaves are used to pro-
theless, she confessed that she was a little afraid initially. duce the tea. Because of the nature of the tea, it is rare in
She doesn’t know how to change the entire industry by Malaysia and only served in traditional tea houses. Most
Beca Tea, but she hopes to start with what they can do. young people probably never have the opportunity to try
With over a century of tea trading experience, Beca it. However, people can have a cup of silver tea at Beca
Tea has many advantages. One of them is sourcing. The Tea for a reasonable price. Rin Rin Wong empathises that
family business trades not only Chinese tea but tea leaves not everyone can do that, but Beca Tea, as its brand mis-
from different parts of the world. For example, the fami- sion stated, tries to bring more new tea experiences for
ly supplies all over the country the black tea that is used the customer and take them on a tea exploration journey.
to make Teh Tarik, the famous local hot milk tea bever- Having a variety of tea choices is one thing, but
age in Malaysia. They ship different kinds of tea powder giving customers a good tea-drinking experience is
from five countries. At Beca Tea, they also introduce a another. For many young people nowadays, tea means
wide range of tea flavors to their customers. Wong told bubble tea. It is always about the bubbles, the cream,
me they have a world flavor campaign at Beca Tea, where and the fruits that are put in. The tea itself is constant-
they would highlight a different kind of tea every month. ly being ignored. People will not care what kind of tea
Their latest showcase is tea from Russia. has been used and how the tea would taste.
Beca Tea is determined
to bring a whole
new pure tea-drinking
experience in Malaysia.
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