Page 83 - 90_EN_POPULARITY
P. 83
Due to the limited market size and the challenges
that specialty coffee businesses face in terms of price
and convenience, many specialty coffee businesses
tend to focus on niche markets because they are unable
to compete with the big players. I am not a specialty
coffee business owner but I understand it’s difficult to
attract the mass market. However, I do believe educa-
Global demand for coffee rises while environ- tion is key in this case and that if everyone was edu-
mental crisis keeps going and affects its production. cated about specialty coffee, it could be a game chang-
To ensure the best quality and taste, coffee should be er for the industry and make specialty coffee more
treated with care and respect for the environment.” accessible to everyone.
So, does the consumer know the true meaning of It’s not only important for consumers to not get
specialty coffee? It is evident that the specialty coffee lost in the world of trends but for business owners as
market needs to invest in consumer education.There well. We still need to ensure that those driving the
are many benefits to consumer education, both for the specialty coffee movement are doing their best to be
consumer and for the specialty coffee industry. For inclusive and support the communities they are im-
consumers, education can provide them with a greater pacting. The way things are right now, it’s difficult to
understanding of the coffee they are drinking and allow cut through the noise of trends and get a chance to
them to make more informed choices. By providing them appreciate the effort that goes into specialty coffee.
with this knowledge, they will be more likely to pur- From celebrity endorsements to specialty coffee
chase specialty coffee in the future. Furthermore, edu- ambassadors and coffee events, I’ve seen specialty Powerful duo of a Peak Extraction Sprayhead and SmartWAVE technology
cation can help to create a more sustainable and ethical coffee being treated as a trend of the moment, a mar- for ultimate uniformity of extraction.
industry by teaching consumers about the importance keting tool, a hobby, a passion. I personally like to
of supporting these types of businesses. think that specialty coffee is not just a trend but a *ÀivÕÃ >` «ÕÃi LÀiÜ «ÌÃ vÀ >ÝÕ y>ÛÀ iÝÌÀ>VÌ°
For the specialty coffee industry, consumer movement that seeks to celebrate coffee in its entire-
education can lead to increased sales and growth. In ty. It should be enjoyed not just for the flavor and Brew on-demand batches of concentrated cold brew coffee in minutes* with Cold Brew Mode.
addition, it can help to build trust between the in- aroma, but also for the process of how it was cultivat-
dustry and the consumers, since specialty coffee ed, produced, processed, roasted and ultimately Touchscreen and USB for easy recipe programming.
companies that are transparent about their practices brewed. But most importantly, specialty coffee should
and willing to educate consumers are more likely to be appreciated for the effort that went into bringing ƂVV`>Ìià > Û>ÀiÌÞ v ÃiÀÛiÀ ÌÞ«ið
be seen as trustworthy. it from seed to cup.
*Based on BUNN’s internal testing