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“I really try to cap- ple with different profiles such as Instagram, You- coffee at home, as well as gave me an opportunity to share A person has multiple identities. In your video, you
ture coffee ‘in real tube followers and your children? what I love and grow while doing that. mention that “you are a father first and then a
content creator”, does this mean that you strongly
I really try to capture coffee “in real life”. I don’t re-
life’. I don’t really do ally do the super polished or aesthetic thing because my How do you see the at-home coffee market growing? identify with these two specific identities? I’m cu-
rious, where do you place the “I”? Of course, there’s
What role do you think coffee lovers and KOL like
life isn’t like that! It’s noisy with the kids, the house is
the super polished sometimes a mess – this is the real life of most people’s yourself play in it? the identity of being a husband, a son, etc.
I really enjoy opening people to the world of high-qual-
existence and that should be ok! I try to capture and broad-
When you meet a new person, two things that often
or aesthetic thing cast that in the midst of sharing coffee knowledge. ity home specialty coffee. This market will only grow as time come up first are work and family. I guess in some way these
goes on and work from home becomes more common across
things become a part of your identity. For me, faith is cer-
because my life isn’t Your video covers on YouTube are designed with the global economy. I think people like me can effect a posi- tainly an anchoring part of that identity as well.
emojis, do you think visuals play a dominant role in
tive change and help steer people toward coffee and consum-
like that!” getting people to click play? er habits that not only give them better coffee but are more At first on Instagram you mainly shared pictures
and videos of coffee making with your kids, then
Absolutely! A good thumbnail image should commu-
equitable for the people growing coffee at origin as well.
nicate an idea clearly and quickly. If it does, you help peo- you adjusted it to coffee video clips, out of what
ple make the right decision of whether to click or not. Fatherhood Is a Top Priority opportunity did you decide to make this change?
I love, love, love my kids, but I don’t want them ever to
If working with brands, how do you balance that if Canada is a country that values family relationships, look back and think that I leveraged them for likes on social
they expect marketing results to take precedence, and you mentioned in your video that “you’re a father media. When it became obvious that the account was gaining
which doesn’t fit with your adherence to a person- before you’re a content creator”, does this have steam, I shifted to be sure that I was not growing it by taking
al priority philosophy? anything to do with your experiences growing up? advantage of them. I still include them as stories but my main
When taking on a partner, I’m looking for exactly I’ve wanted to be a dad for as long as I can remember – video content tries to capture the essence of being a dad and
that, a partner. I need to align with them, and they with this came ahead of any career aspirations for me! husband without relying on my kids for clicks.
me, and they need to be a great fit for my followers. If they
and I feel that this is the case, we explore a partnership.
If all they are looking for is sales, I don’t go down that
road. I never guarantee sales or conversions as a part of
my partnerships.
Known as a Content Creator You run different content on Instagram and You-
Q&A What was the general at- Tube, how do you feel about the limitations of
titude toward content cre-
social media?
ators in Toronto? What
Social media does some things well, and others
were the attitudes of your poorly. This is true in general as well as network to net-
parents and loved ones toward this? work. My Instagram content doesn’t work as well on
Before I started doing it, I never really gave it much Youtube, and vice versa. But, there are things I like to do
thought. I grew up in a time when no one could make a on each platform.
living from “content creation”. And even when that started
to happen, professional Youtubers were almost a kind of Has there been some changes in work and life since
joke. Even I would borderline mock people doing this. After becoming a full-time content creator?
I sort of fell into that world and had some success with it, There has been a lot more flexibility and opportunity
everyone around me encouraged me to keep going. for focus, which has been really fun.
Have you done any data analysis on your followers? You have achieved some success as a content
What are their characteristics? creator. What do you feel are the conditions
Well – most of them love coffee! Lol! Besides that, I that have made it possible for you to succeed
tend to reach a lot of people like me, busy parents and as an individual in attracting the attention of
spouses. My reach tends to reflect Instagram and Youtube many people? (speaking in terms of the context
general user base geographically, with the United States of the times).
being the largest demographic. These days, everything is online. COVID-19 really
dialed that up even more and I started my account around
Can you give us some examples of how you approach November of 2020. I think the extra time people were
the sharing of coffee knowledge differently to peo- spending at home and online fueled both the interest in
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