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I  Photo / Salt & Straw

                       “I think upcycled food is important

                because it’s a consumer-driven solution to
            fighting food waste. With upcycled food, con-

            sumers can use the power of their dollar to in-

               centivize companies to waste less and keep

                       more nutrition in the supply chain.”

               Five  unique  flavors  and  five  different  ways  to   fall into this category, and the upcycled food prod-
           upcycle food give people a great experience knowing   ucts  industry  is  experiencing  enormous  growth
           that wasted food can still be delicious. We are con-  potential.  Future  Market  Insight  reveals  that  the
           fident  that  through  this  summer  ice  cream  menu,   upcycled food market is worth US$46.7 billion with
           more  people  will  understand  and  choose  upcycled   an  expected  CAGR  of  5%  over  the  next  10  years,
           food in the future.                            u s i n g   d a t a   p u b l i s h e d   b y   R e t h i n k   F o o d   W a s t e
                                                          Through  Economics  and  Data.  Allied  Market  Re-
           What Will the Future Be Like?                  search, another research company focusing on en-
                                                          terprises,  also  issued  a  special  report  on  upcycled
               We  are  looking  forward  to  more  collabora-  food. The report estimates the market will generate
           tions and projects like these from Salt & Straw. It   US$97.0  billion  by  2031,  manifesting  a  CAGR  of
           is always important to let people know that upcy-  6.2% from 2022 to 2031.
           cled food is delicious. Cotto said that apart from   Of  course,  it  is  not  always  about  the  money.
           their  teaming  up  with  Salt&Straw,  they  are  also   AMR’s report also points out that the global market
           trying  to  do  all  kinds  of  brand  collaborations.   is propelled by the growing demand for sustainable
           Towards  this  end,  they  have  partnered  with  a  5   and eco-friendly products. “As the pandemic con-
           times  James  Beard,  award-winning  cookbook  au-  tinues to evolve, it is likely that the upcycled food
           thor  who  does  all  of  their  product  development   products  market  will  continue  to  grow  as  more
           as well as other top food brands.              consumers  become  interested  in  sustainable  and
               Cotto also told us that she wishes to see more   ethical  food  options.”  Cotto  agreed  with  that  in
           large  food  companies  globally  join  the  game,  pro-  our interview. She said: “Upcycled food is import-
           ducing or using upcycled ingredients. “I hope these   ant  because  it’s  a  consumer-driven  solution  to
           companies  take  deep  looks  at  their  supply  chains   fighting food waste. With upcycled food, consum-
           and  figure  out  how  to  make  them  more  circular,   ers can use the power of their dollar to incentivize
           preventing waste from happening in the first place.   companies  to  waste  less  and  keep  more  nutrition
           I hope consumers decide to choose upcycled options   in the supply chain.”
           over conventional options whenever available, and   If more people knew about upcycled food, and
           I  think  this  will  become  easier  as  distribution  of   if more people start choosing upcycled food instead
           these products grows.” She said.               of “perfect food”, we will be in a virtuous circle to
               The great value of upcycled products has been   contribute to environmental protection through our
           reflected  by  the  market  as  well.  Thanks  to  the  in-  daily meals. It could be some ice cream treats you
           creased popularity of vegan and plant-based diets,   get  on  a  summer  afternoon,  but  in  the  future,  it
           the  demand  for  plant-based  ingredients  has  also   could be a whole dinner at your table. In any case,
           grown. Many of the upcycled food products luckily   you will find it tasty and eat it happily.

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