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           Spudsy’s sweet potato puffs made from “ugly” pota-  gardening. Cotto explained to us how it is possible
           toes  and  Candid  Noons’  chocolate  bites,  which  use   to  transform  planted-based  milk  byproducts  into
           the wastes of cacao fruits.                    flour and baking mixes. There are two problems with
               Upcycled Food Association, the nonprofit trade   plant-based milk byproducts: they spoil exception-
           association focused on reducing food waste by grow-  ally quickly and are full of water when they come off
           ing the upcycled food economy, has given the defi-  the  processing  line,  so  they  are  cumbersome  to
           nition of upcycled food and products: “Food that is   transport.  Renewal  Mill  solves  these  problems  by
           upcycled  is  made  with  ingredients  that  otherwise   using a co-location model, where they install dehy-
           would not have gone to human consumption, and are   dration  and  milling  equipment  inside  the  manufac-
           sourced and produced using verifiable supply chains,   turing facilities to capture and process the byprod-
           and  have  a  positive  impact  on  the  environment.”   ucts  into  flour  before  they  ever  leave  the  factory
           Over-matured, bruised fruits and vegetables, leftover   floor. They then package the flour or use it to make
           pulp from juicing, all these editable waste have the   value-added products like baking mixes and cookies.
           potential to be consumed again by people but just in   In  this  way,  the  wasted  food  eventually  becomes
           different forms. The most common example is ketch-  something tasty on our table.
           up, usually made of soft or bruised tomatoes.
               Nevertheless, there could still be some differ-
           ences  between  upcycled  and  recycled  food.  Apart
           from  just  turning  the  waste  into  edible  products,
           upcycling sometimes could make the unedible waste
           into superfoods that surpass the value of their origin.
           For  example,  Renewal  Mill,  a  women-owned,  Oak-
           land-based upcycled food company, has always been
           fighting food waste and climate change by transform-
           ing the nutritious byproducts of food manufacturing
           into ingredients and delicious plant-based products.
           Caroline Cotto, the co-founder and COO of Renewal
           Mill, got to know the concept of upcycled food and
           ingredients back in 2016. She told us: “I learned of
 Why Do We Upcycle?  the statistic that 40% of food in the US is wasted, and
           my  mind  was  blown  because  that’s  such  a  massive
 Believe it or not, food waste is one of the most   amount.” Moreover, the co-founder, Claire Schlemme,
 significant drivers of climate change. According to   had also seen numerous food waste first-hand in her
 “Adding upcycled   the Food and Agriculture Organisation, every year,   previous organic juice company. “When we started
           exploring what could be done with the pulpy byprod-
 1.3 billion tonnes of food get wasted, which accounts
 ingredients can be a   for  about  30%  of  the  food  produced  worldwide.   ucts of processes like juicing and making plant-based
 Moreover, as food rots, it emits methane, a green gas   milk, we stumbled into the world of upcycled food,
 great way to boost the   that  is  even  worse  than  CO 2.  Food  waste,  in  fact,   and that’s how Renewal Mill was born,” she said.
 directly  and  indirectly,  causes  70  billion  tonnes  of   Caroline Cotto also mentioned that the pulp of
 overall fiber content   greenhouse gasses per year. Project Drawdown, one   plant-based  milk  is  richer  in  insoluble  fiber  and
 of the leading research institutions on climate change   protein.  The  flour  made  from  the  byproducts  is
 and achieve ‘good   mitigation,  has  suggested  that  reducing  food  waste   packed with nutrition, light color, and neutral flavor,
 can be the number one thing people can do to slow   making  them  ideal  for  integrating  into  traditional
 source’ or ‘excellent   global  warming,  closely  followed  by  eating  a  more   flour-based  products.  She  says:  “Adding  upcycled
 plant-based diet.   ingredients can be a great way to boost the overall
 source’ of fiber claims.   Upcycled food and ingredients might help solve   fiber content and achieve ‘good source’ or ‘excellent

 This fiber can also   the  world’s  food  waste  problem.  It  might  be  your   source’ of fiber claims. This fiber can also help with
           improving gut health.”
 first time hearing the phrase “upcycled food”, how-
               Moreover,  many  new  technologies  have  been
 help with improving   ever, the concept has been popular for a while. Food   used to create great upcycled food and ingredients
 Network Magazine and Whole Foods listed upcycled
 gut health.”  foods  as  a  top  trend  for  2021.  There  are  already  a   instead  of  merely  recycling  it  by  giving  nearly  ex-
           pired food to the poor or making compost for home
 few  upcycled  products  in  the  market,  such  as

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