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 The observable rise   ferent  product,  allowing  coffee  farmers  to  get  more   a  specialty.  Making  coffee  honey  can  benefit  coffee   marvel that is the coffee leaf seltzer. The ingenious
                                                           effervescent  drink  is  concocted  by  Headstand,  a
 value out of their crops, which is why cascara is often
 in sustainable and   referred to as a “zero-waste” product, as it repurposes   producers in several aspects. The main benefit is that   company  recognized  for  its  inventive  approach  to
           it  improves  the  pollination  of  coffee  plants,  which
 healthy products   what  would  otherwise  be  waste  material.  On  top  of   increases  the  yield  and  quality  of  the  coffee  beans.   coffee products. As the name suggests, coffee leaf
                                                           seltzer is made from the leaves of the coffee plant,
 which,  it  is  a  caffeine-free  alternative  to  traditional
           When  bees  pollinate  coffee  flowers,  it  results  in  a
 that promote   coffee, containing negligible levels of caffeine, making   higher  fruit  set,  which  leads  to  more  cherries  and   fermented  and  carbonated  to  create  a  refreshing
                                                           beverage — light and crisp with a slight hint of cof-
 it  an  excellent  option  for  those  who  are  sensitive  to
           higher income for the farmers. Diversifying their rev-
 sustainability and   caffeine or are looking to reduce their intake.  enue streams through additional resources is especial-  fee and a subtle sweetness.
                                                               Like  cascara  and  coffee  flower  tea,  coffee  leaf
 The  growth  of  cascara  can  be  attributed  to  the
           ly important for farmers in developing countries where
 add value and   increasing awareness of sustainable alternative coffee   coffee prices are often low and unpredictable.  seltzer repurposes what would otherwise be discard-
                                                           ed  byproduct,  catering  to  the  growing  consumer
 beverages.  Its  growth  in  the  past  five  years  has  been
               Specialty coffee shops want to sell coffee honey
 support for all within   significant.  According  to  market  research  by  Mordor   as it is a delicious product that captures the hearts of   demand for sustainable products and minimal waste.
 Intelligence, the global cascara market is expected to
                                                           It  is  also  a  caffeine-free  alternative  with  potential
           coffee enthusiasts. It is said to have a thicker consis-
 the supply chain may   grow  at  a  compound  annual  growth  rate  (CAGR)  of   tency than regular honey for connoisseurs. It is often   health benefits as the leaves of the coffee plant con-
                                                           tain high levels of antioxidants, which are beneficial
 12.2% between 2020 and 2025.
           described as floral and aromatic, with a slightly bitter
 steer the future of   coffee flower tea, also known as “coffee blossom tea.”   and  lingering  smokiness  akin  to  dark  chocolate.  The   to our overall health. The fermentation process may
 Another  rising  star  in  alternative  beverages  is
                                                           also increase the antioxidant levels in the final prod-
           delectable nectar is the perfect complement to special-
 specialty coffee.  The delicvate  flowers of  the  coffee  plant  bloom  with   ty coffee and a great way for coffee shops to differen-  uct, making it a healthier choice than traditional soft
 the coffee cherries but are typically overlooked during
                                                           drinks. The leaves also contain high levels of chloro-
           tiate themselves from the competition.
 harvest as the cherries are the star of the show. Coffee   As we traverse down the anatomy of the coffee   genic  acids,  which  have  been  linked  to  weight  loss
 blossom  tea  has  a  distinct  aromatic  floral  bouquet,   plant, one product comes to mind — the innovative   and improved glucose metabolism.
 often associated with jasmine, honey, and citrus notes.
 One of the most sought-after varieties of coffee flower
 tea is the “Geisha” varietal, known for its complex and
 nuanced flavor profile.
 Coffee flowers bloom for a short period, and only
 a  tiny  percentage  of  coffee  plants  produce  flowers
 Coffee cherry tea, more commonly known by its   suitable  for  harvesting.  Additionally,  the  harvesting
 moniker,  Cascara,  is  a  relatively  new  addition  to  the   process  for  coffee  flower  tea  is  labor-intensive  and
 specialty  coffee  industry.  The  dried  husks  of  coffee   requires skilled workers to hand-pick the delicate flow-
 cherries have grown in popularity as a sustainable al-  ers. Once the flowers are harvested, they are immedi-
 ternative  to  traditional  coffee  products.  Cascara  is   ately dried to preserve their flavor and aroma. The dried
 particularly popular in Latin American countries, such   petals are then packaged and sold as loose leaves or in
 as El Salvador and Honduras, where coffee cherry tea   tea bags. The end stage is when it is brewed in a café
 has been traditionally consumed for centuries. Howev-  and served as a specialty tea. Albeit, it is an increas-
 er, it has also gained popularity in the United States and   ingly  popular  beverage  at  specialty  coffee  shops  that
 Europe as a specialty coffee product.  commands a high retail price thanks to its rarity.
 The  coffee  cherry  tea  offers  a  different  flavor   Coffee blossom tea is quickly becoming a sensation
 experience from traditional coffee, which makes it an   as it appeals to those looking for a non-conventional
 exciting  alternative  for  coffee  enthusiasts  looking  to   specialty  beverage.  Like  cascara,  repurposing  what
 explore  new  sensory  experiences.  Its  unique  flavor   would otherwise be waste material from the harvesting
 profile is just one of many reasons that sparked rapid   process is becoming increasingly important to consum-
 growth in its popularity as a sustainable alternative to   ers looking for products that align with their values of
 traditional  coffee  beverages.  Cascara  has  a  unique,   sustainability. Moreover, the caffeine-free option caters
 peculiar palate that is fruity and sweet, with notes of   to  a  broader  audience,  and  the  rarity  of  the  product,
 dried  fruit  such  as  raisins,  cranberries,  and  apricots.   coupled  with  the  labor-intensive  harvesting  process,
 Some even find hints of dark chocolate or nuttiness.   contributes to its premium status.
 Another reason why cascara is becoming a popular   These  prized  flowers  are  not  only  used  to  brew
 alternative drink is its sustainability element. As coffee   tea.  Coffee  honey  is  a  rare  commodity  manufactured
 is harvested, the cherries are typically removed from   by bees that pollinate the coffee flowers, producing a
 the  plant,  leaving  the  husk  behind,  which  is  usually   sweet  nectar  that  is  unlike  traditional  honey.  Coffee
 discarded. With cascara, they are used to create a dif-  honey is typically produced in regions where coffee is

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