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 It is also important   For coffee companies, rebranding is a crucial step
 in modernizing their identity and positioning themselves
 to create a sense of   competitively in an ever-growing industry. In specialty
 coffee, rebranding can be used to help make a company
 continuity with the   stand out in a crowded market. It is also an excellent way
 to create or refresh the connection with customers, give
 previous brand’s   them something new that they can relate to and become
 loyal fans of the brand.
 identity to make sure   Rebranding is both an art and science. It requires
 the use of creative strategies such as storytelling, symbol-
 customers don’t  ism and visuals combined with methodologies like market
 feel alienated by  testing and research. The process involves defining the
 key elements of the brand’s identity, understanding cus-
 the change.   tomer preferences and developing marketing campaigns
 that effectively convey the message. A successful rebrand
 needs to be consistent across all touchpoints, from logo
 design to packaging, website and social media.
 When it comes to rebranding your coffee business,
 there are several factors to consider. It is important to
 consider the brand’s history, core values, mission and
 goals as well as customer preferences before embarking
 on  the  process.  Moreover,  it  is  essential  to  involve
 stakeholders in the process and get their input – they
 can provide valuable insights that will help shape the
 rebrand strategy.
 It is also important to create a sense of continuity
 with the previous brand’s identity to make sure custom-
 ers don’t feel alienated by the change. I have personally
 witnessed all these elements coming together in a suc-
 cessful rebranding process when I learned about Samba   known  coffee  producing  countries.  For  many  years,   and they forget that rebranding is much more than a visual
 Coffee Roasters’ rebranding project. I have reached out   Samba had a loyal customer base that appreciated their   change. It is a process of reflecting the company’s culture,
 to both the team at Samba and the creative agency they   commitment  to  quality  and  the  pleasure  of  drinking   values and mission within its branding. Simply painting
 worked  with  to  get  insight  into  the  process  and  how   excellent ibrik coffee.   a  nice  picture  without  having  solid  fundamentals  can
 rebranding can help companies succeed.  During the 1990s, Samba  began experimenting with   backfire on those businesses and it’s a classic mistake. I’ve
              espresso and filter coffee, introducing a wide range of   always thought that I first needed to build strong founda-
 Slow and Steady Wins the Race  new products. The company grew and expanded to oth-  tions before I could start presenting the company’s new
              er markets, but the original logo and packaging had re-  identity. We had to make sure we believed in our princi-
 A  few  days  ago  I  met  with  Kostas  Kalafatas.  His   mained unchanged for decades. Meanwhile, at the turn   ples, that our product and service were top-notch, before
 father, Stefanos, founded the Samba Coffee Roasters in   of the millennium, specialty coffee started to gain trac-  we could even start thinking about rebranding,” he says.
 Athens in 1979, and Kostas now works to preserve his   tion, and Kostas was captivated by the complexity and   Slowly and steadily, the company grew,  managing
 legacy  and  continue  pushing  for  specialty  coffee  in   nuances of high-end coffee.  to retain its loyal customer base since the 1970s, while
 Greece.  As  one  of  the  pioneers  of  specialty  coffee  in   He immediately wanted to immerse himself in the   forming  new  partnerships  and  collaborations.  Today,
 Greece, Kostas continues to share his passion for coffee   specialty  coffee  world  and  learn  all  he  could  about  it.   Samba Coffee Roasters continues to be a leader in special-
 through events and competitions under the Samba Cof-  What  followed  was  a  decade  full  of  experimentation,   ty coffee in Greece, and since the 2020 rebranding, the
 fee Roasters brand. His goal remains to provide quality   investing in roasting equipment, participating in compe-  company also looks the part.
 coffee while educating consumers on how to recognize   titions, traveling, organizing the first ever coffee senso-  In 2020, after establishing strong foundations and
 this high-end product and make informed choices about   ry  seminar  in  Greece  and  moving  the  company  into  a   taking the time to learn more about specialty coffee, Ko-
 what they drink.  brand new, modern facility. More than anything, Kostas   stas and his team decided it was finally time to rebrand
 Back  in  1979,  Kostas’  father  was  searching  for  a   believed that change comes from within before it starts   the company. To do this, they worked with creative agen-
 name for his newly formed coffee company when a young   to manifest outside.   cy SUSAMI, who understood their story and mission, while
 Kostas suggested “Samba” as a reference to the Brazilian   “Many businesses try to reposition their brand by   helping them develop a brand identity that would better
 dance, paying homage to one of the world’s most well-  merely  changing  the  packaging,  logo  or  website  design   reflect who they are today.

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