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P. 112
“Brew in Mountain” and “Go Urban” rivers. It was called “laying down travel” [2] by the
intelligent class.
Three years ago, in a chat with my friends Our ancestors kept mountains in their heart.
Weizhi and Shasha, I mentioned that I haven’t really On the contrary, we can see mountains easily today
visited the beautiful scenery in Hangzhou. Therefore, but have lost them in our hearts. Even facing stretch-
we decided to bring tea sets to the mountains once a ing mountains, we struggle to look further. “Go
week, to explore beauty at every corner of the city Urban” may allow you to find back the heart lost in
with tea as an excuse. We all agreed with the idea, mountains, giving you a short break and freedom.
then we started the “brew in mountain” experience. Please forget the outside affairs, tranquilly enjoy
In fact, I am not happy to just sell tea as a tea the cup of tea in hand, and try to feel that “lost
dealer. People in the tea world can be easily limited, mountain”!
but I have no worries in the mountains, which became “Brew in Mountain” and “Go urban” have
a test ground for me. I just made a gimmick, which I gradually become my synonyms. “Unusual tea peo-
believe is necessary for people. If someone can get ple” and “wasted artists” sometimes are considered
more experience here, it would even be better. life’s praise for me.
In recent years, “Brew in Mountain” has ex- In the road of playing hard, nothing is really
plored the hills and walked along the river, following limited; obstacles offer the opportunity and moti-
us to do hiking and camping. We had endless laugh- vation to move past. Tea can be “playable”, and can
ter at Baoshi Hill, Dragon Tale, Lin’an reservoir, certainly be played with wonderfully.
countryside beach in Shenzhen, Aiwan Pavilion on If tea provides us with a broad stage, then I
Yuelu Mountain, giant rock piles on Tianshi Beach... am willing to dance in the tea soup to be a free and
We don’t always have chances to visit moun- wild child.
tains. What do we do in the urban days? Then we
“go urban”.
It is difficult to replicate mountain freedom [1] Chaozhou’s three small tea cups, Chaozhou people brewing
and fun to urban life. In the past, since it was diffi- Gongfu Cha with a teapot with three cups, corresponding to the
cult to explore the scenery far away, rich families Chinese word “” with three mouths, so match the tea 120 ml just
would build fake mountains and rivers in the garden, poured full three small cups.
the origin of Chinese gardens. Without stepping out,
[2] Laying down travel, enjoying landscape paintings instead of
the owner can immerse himself in mountains and touring.
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