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 Ruth  and  Dave  have  a  keen  eye  for  the   won  support  from  some  dealers.  “But  we  are
 market. They noted that alcohol is a traditional   lucky that The Tea Thief survives,” said Ruth
 drink at weddings, but many people abstain from   and Dave.
 drinking alcohol these days, so tea might meet   Given Ruth and Dave’s working experience
 the  “long  tail”  effect.  In  addition,  alcohol  is   in the film industry, they regard The Tea Thief
 banned by law on certain festivals in some re-  as a film they direct, a situational drama where
 gions  in  New  Zealand,  and  the  rise  of  alco-  they express their life attitude through tea. In
 hol-free  activities  among  young  people  have   their film, tea becomes an expression of concern
 provided  opportunities  for  The  Tea  Thief  to   for humans, animals and the environment. As
 broaden their consumer base. Ruth has previous   the plot progresses, there will also be a physical
 experience of organizing events, and The Tea   store combining tea and books.
 Thief has always been looking for an opportu-  Ruth  and  Dave  also  enjoy  doing  sports,
 nity  to  throw  a  tea  party.  Such  try  started  at   learning to take selfies together every week and
 home. Dave and Ruth’s Grandchildren have tea   using  meditation  to  ease  anxiety  during  the
 parties with their parents. Their favourite tea   pandemic...all while having a cup of tea at hand.
 is Tickety Brew.  New Zealanders have long taken tea as one of
 life’s great pleasures, however it seems that tea
 Slow Life With Tea   has somewhat been replaced by coffee. Ruth and
 Dave hope to help more people see the value of
 This year marks the third year since The   everyday tea drinking, which for them is a re-
 Tea Thief was founded. Due to the pandemic   curring “adventure”.
 and capital shortage, they have not yet been able   And it’s all based on the idea of a slow life,
 to have their own brick-and-mortar shop. Every   just like tea. Keep going on slowly but surely, as
 day, they drive their mobile car with their dog   they say. It is not hard to understand why The
 Portia to deliver healthy and fun tea, which has   Tea Thief can serve us both health and fun.

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