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derstand why finding good tea was not easy. Ruth and Dave’s daughter-in-law, who
However, Ruth and Dave like to try tea every- suffers from insomnia as a result of the
where, and they have found good teas that pandemic, experienced improved sleep qual-
meet their standards in places like India, ity after drinking a tea called Fairy Dust. It
China and Greece. This is both thanks to lo- is a blend of organic rose petals, lemon peel,
gistics and, more importantly, trust. Roman chamomile flowers, mint and turmer-
ic, from Hathikhuli, an organic tea estate in
New Narration on Health Assam, northern India. Ruth and Dave de-
scribe that it has such properties as anti-in-
The higher the consumption level, the flammatory and anti-microbial, which after
greater the importance of health. In the wake drinking produces calmness, just like a
of the pandemic, people have gained a deep- unicorn in a lavender field. In addition, each
er understanding of what “healthy” means. tea has fascinating names such as Fiery Nin-
This translates to higher quality of life with ja and Sahara Sunset, with clear information
a good mood, good quality food, sound sleep, on flavor, brewing method and cautions.
nourished skin, fit body, etc. Naming the teas in a psychological manner
Out of health needs, dietary products, and offering detailed descriptions for their
especially tea, have become the new regimen function, helps people find exactly what
choices for people. According to Fact.MR, a they need.
provider of market research and consulting Unconventional Color Wheel One sug-
services, the value of the global brewing tea gestion from Ruth’s friend gave life to Very Peri,
market is estimated at US$720.7 million by which was largely attributed to the ability of
2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR(- butterfly blue pea flowers to change colors. The
compound annual growth rate) of 3.2% tea has a bluish hue when soaked in hot water
during 2022 and 2032. and turns purple or pink when the acid-base
However, the old-school way of drinking balance is altered, for instance by adding lemon
puts tea away unheeded. To win consumers, juice or soda water.
it requires the original leaf tea brand to be
combined with such features as novelty,
Tea Thief Then Tea First, Adventure After is a beverage that goes beyond brewing with convenience and diversification. Ruth and
the traditional tea plant leaves and includes Dave firmly believe that health can be fun
Tea leaf is Cockney The conversation with Ruth and Dave other herbal and scented infusions with little and it comes naturally. All they need to do is
rhyming slang for Thief
and the original Tea took place one weekend afternoon as they or no caffeine. find the right tea and give it the best expres-
Thief — Robert Fortune made themselves a cup of tea in their kitchen. After some exploration, Dave and Ruth sion, as tea is the true expression of nature.
was sent to China his Ruth and Dave are both British. Ruth has established The Tea Thief in Auckland, New More Detailed Functions Tea was
mission (should he always been a tea lover, while Dave found tea Zealand in 2019. The name was inspired by first drunk as medicine, and later entered
choose to accept it) was as an alternative to coffee. Previously, coffee the widespread “Tea Thief” story, and they the homes of ordinary people, gradually
to steal the secrets of tea
horticulture and was his daily drink, but he found he had to often joke about it, “Thankfully we haven’t forming the concept of “firewood, rice, oil,
manufacturing. He give it up because of high cholesterol issues. had to resort to espionage for our blends and salt, sauce, vinegar and tea”—a food that is
succeeded and the Ruth and Dave met and “married” as teas and have been able to gain knowledge integrated into people’s daily life. As people
closely guarded secrets actors in the film Not For Children in 2011, from ancient and shared traditions from all are more concerned about health, the me-
of tea manufacturing and married officially in the real world four over the world.” With the brand name in dicinal value of tea has become one of its
were sent far and wide.
years later. After their marriage, the two mind, they started thinking about what design core advantages.
contemplated starting a career that they could represent The Tea Thief. “Fox is a quite The Tea Thief serves mostly blended
shared a common passion about. The idea charismatic animal, and it goes well with the teas. Consumers who have adequate knowl-
came to them in 2017 when Ruth was looking name of the brand.” So Ruth and Dave took edge of tea can find the usual teas, such as
for fertility treatments and discovered that the fox on an expedition with them. Finding black tea, green tea, oolong tea, etc. In the
Greek Mountain Tea is one of the few herbal good-tasting tea is always the most important meantime, people with health needs can Health can be
teas that have no side effects during pregnan- part of the journey. In New Zealand tea cul- easily find the right tea under categories
cy due to its caffeine-free properties. This tivation only began in 1996 and there is only such as sleep aid, detox and anti-inflamma- fun and it comes
reminded the duo that there are many healthy one commercial tea farm as of now. Add the tory, something that is rarely done by other
and beneficial teas in the world. To them, tea COVID-19 pandemic to that and you can un- tea brands. naturally.
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