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        side. It can shine a spotlight on hidden   create  a  two-level  cafe,  providing  an                                                                                        ulously  considered  by  designers  to
        gems or create balance in the atmos-  open dining area along the stairs as well                                                                                              enhance both the staff and customer
        phere. Using lighting to their advan-  as  a  more  private  upper  mezzanine                                                                                                experience.  Kijtanes  believes  if  the
        tage,  TasteSpace  can  transform  any   above the counter.                                                                                                                  experience of the staff is enhanced, the
        inconspicuous space to stand out and   The gradient motif is accentuated                                                                                                     customer experience will naturally be
        create focus for each business. Gradi-  throughout the cafe with rebars used as                                                                                              enhanced as well. The importance of
        ent Toast is a prime example of how   subtle decor and statement pieces on                                                                                                   understanding the client and customer
        TasteSpace utilises colour and lighting   walls.  To  bring  the  sunset  indoors,                                                                                           needs  through  research  and  under-
        to create such an effect.       TasteSpace created gradient light boxes                                                                                                      standing culture is a process that can-
            Gradient Toast is a cafe located   to  compliment  the  rest  of  the  cafe’s                                                                                            not be overlooked.
        in a corner building that could easily   decor, bringing the colours to life. The                                                                                                These projects are great examples
        blend in with nearby businesses. To   level of detail that Kijtanes and his team                                                                                             of how design solutions can help build
        make the building standout, Kijtanes   pay attention to is awe-inspiring. Not                                                                                                a  sustainable  business  that  is  both
        and his team customised a metal facade   only  can  design  solve  problems  with                                                                                            functional and beautiful. TasteSpace’s
        that covers the entire four- story build-  functionality, but at the core of it is to                                                                                        obsession with details like how natural
        ing. With a gradient of colours inspired   evoke a deeper, transformative experi-                                                                                            lighting works with its environment or
        by the heating and cooling of rebars,   ence for its users.                                                                                                                  respecting the story behind each loca-
        this  created  a  feeling  of  the  sunset   These  days,  Gradient  Toast  has                                                                                              tion and bringing new elements to tell
        constantly shining on the building. Not   changed business direction, and is now                                                                                             its history is what makes their designs
        only that, it effectively conveys what   a space that celebrates modern Korean                                                                                               so evocative and full of meaning.
        the cafe has to offer, as it resembles the   music and Korean lifestyle culture. The                                                                                             Through storytelling, vision can
        grills used to toast bread.     new space may have moved away from                                                                                                           become reality, through culture we can
            When you step inside the cafe,   being a cafe per se, but in terms of de-                                                                                                find comfort, and through colours and
        the  warm  colours  extend  from  the   sign, the toasty sunset atmosphere and                                                                                               lighting we can lift moods and change
        outside to the inside, as if you are in-  the creative use of light and colour is                                                                                            behaviours. Perhaps the next time you
        side the toaster. The colours, paired   still ever present.                                                                                                                  enter your “third space”, take a moment
        with lighting, create a toasty atmos-  We can learn from TasteSpace that                                                                                                     to consider your environment and re-
        phere, providing enough brightness to   designing a space is far more complicat-                                                                                             member that someone has also consid-
        lift anyone’s mood. Although the cafe   ed than we perceive. The amount of time                                                                                              ered the space you are in and designed
        is quite small, TasteSpace was able to   we spend in our “third space” is metic-                                                                                             it with your experience in mind.

                                                                                                                                                         Warm colours from the exterior
                                                                                                                                                              extends into the interior.
                                                                                                                                                    Gradient Toast Cafe, Bangkok Thailand

                                                                                                                                                   Through storytelling, vision can

                                                                                                                                             become reality, through culture we

                                                                                                                                                      can find comfort, and through
                                                                                                                                                    colours and lighting we can lift

                                                                                                                                                     moods and change behaviours.

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