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           take into account in their design. Each   ate a calming environment at night to
           element must work with each other for   further  extend  that  relaxing  atmos-
           a design to be successful. Interior de-  phere.  At  MOTHER,  the  result  is  a
           sign is not only about decor but also   mysterious atmosphere at night with
           lighting, one of the key elements that   subdued lighting, while mother nature
           make or break the right atmosphere.  does her magic for the restaurant dur-
               Illuminating  a  space  is  no  easy   ing the day. While the series of win-
           feat. Kijtanes is very aware that while   dows brings in natural light during the
           customers  come  to  experience  their   day, it also creates focus for the restau-
           “third space”, the staff who work there,   rant from outside at night.
           “live”  in  the  space.  His  goal  with   Light  is  a  powerful  resource  in
           TasteSpace is to provide solutions to   design; it permeates through nooks and
           better support his clients’ businesses.   crannies both from the inside and out-
           Whether it be staff workflow or sus-
           tainability  through  design,  The  first
           thing when designing a space is to ob-
           serve natural light in the interior and
           exterior of the location.                  Contrast between daytime vs nighttime
               “Natural  lighting  is  free,”  says   MOTHER BKK PROSPEROUS EATS, Bangkok Thailand
           Kijtanes, and it can be used not only to
           his advantage in design but also to re-
           duce the expenses of the client in the
           long term. The key is to design the space
           to work with Mother Nature rather than
           against her. The purpose of this is two-
           fold; while being able to bring natural
           light  indoors,  it  also  means  that  his
           clients  will  be  able  to  create  a  more
 Wet bar area and   sustainable business by reducing the
 dining area.  amount of artificial lighting.
 Maré Seafood,
 Bangkok Thailand  Mother BKK Prosperous Eats is
           another project by TasteSpace inspired
           by Mother Earth. It is located in Talad-
           noi, a historic neighbourhood in Bang-
           kok, in a narrow and elongated build-
 dict, and to design a space that allows   ency and serving the freshest catch of   paired with copper elements gives you   ing.  Kijtanes  expla ins  that  the
 for customers to feel comfortable with   the day. Customers can sit at the bar and   an immersive experience of being with   elongated  form  poses  a  challenge  to
 their level of engagement is a challenge.  see how fresh seafood is prepared right   the captain at sea. The aesthetics of the   allowing natural light into the centre
 With  that  in  mind,  he  created   in front of them. Others who would like   restaurant offer not only the function-  of the restaurant. While natural light
 spaces like PAGA where patrons can find   to observe from afar are still able to see   ality of a customer experience but also   is easy to obtain at the front and back
 areas with more privacy, while others   the  action  at  a  distance.  This  allows   a core concept of what the chef has to   of the restaurant, the centre will re-
 who would like to engage can choose to   customers to feel in control of how they   offer.  The  careful  consideration  of   main dark and gloomy. The solution
 sit at the bar and interact with the ba-  want  to  create  their  own  experience.   cultural norms paired with design re-  was to take off parts of the room to
 ristas. The thoughtful placement of each   The  concept  of  the  restaurant  is  in-  sults in a beautiful space that is insta-  create a series of windows that would
 area of the roastery can now cater to the   spired by “the midnight ocean”.   gram-worthy  yet  brings  layers  and   allow natural light into the darker parts
 customers’  experience  depending  on   The dark interior paired with el-  layers of story and craft.  of the space.
 their comfort level or encourage them   ements from fishermen at sea are evi-  Light is a natural source of time-
 to be curious and explore. This is the   dent as you walk into the space. Cus-  From Light to Mood  keeping, and it affects our mood and
 beauty of how a “third space” can affect   tomized  lighting  inspired  by  fishing   behaviour as the day progresses. Nat-
 your behaviour and emotions.  nets  lights  up  the  restaurant  softly,   By now, you can tell that design   ural light is preferred because of its
 Take Maré Seafood for example;   maintaining the atmosphere of fishing   is a challenging profession because of   soothing nature. In his projects, Kij-
 it’s a seafood restaurant about transpar-  at dusk or dawn. The deep blue interior   the plethora of things a designer has to   tanes often uses softer lighting to cre-

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