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 What's New

 Coffee Events Calendar

 PLEASE  NOTE : Due  to  COVID-19
 Café Holdings Develops New   pandemic,  many  upcoming  coffee   African Leaders Sign Dec-  UC Davis Coffee Center to   The Coffee Roasters Guild
 Farmer-Focused  Platform   events have been rescheduled. Latest   laration  to  Include Coffee   be Renovated  Presents The Sustainabil-
 with  Blockchain  Specialist   updates as of June 13, GMT+8.  in  Strategic  Agricultural   ity Toolkit
 Iron Sight Industries.   Commodities  UC  Davis  Design  and  Construc-
 2022 World Latte Art, World Cof-  tion Management announced that        The  Sustainability  Toolkit  is  a
 fee  in  Good  Spirits,  World  Cup      Landmark  International
 On  May  3rd,  Café  Holdings  Inc.   The Nairobi Declaration was signed   Broward Builders has been award-  Coffee  Agreement  2022   four-part  tool  created  to  help
 announced  it  has  concluded  the   Tasters and World Coffee Roast-  at the first-ever G-25 African Cof-  ed  the  contract  to  design  and   Embraces  Private-Sector   roasters, and other coffee profes-
 development of a blockchain tech-  ing Championships  fee  Summit,  held  from  25  to  28   renovate the new UC Davis Coffee   Participation  sionals, to assess their own sus-
 nology platform that the Company   Warsaw, Poland  May. The declaration seeks to en-  Center – the world’s first academ-  tainability efforts and assist them
 believes  will  be  a  revolutionary   New Location: Milan, Italy, June 23-25  sure  that  Africa’s  coffee  sectors   ic  research  center  focused  on   on their journey to improvement.
 disruptor to the current and grow-  receive more adequate funding.  coffee. Their $4.5M design builds   In a new spirit of collaboration, the   Coffee  Roasters  Guild  will  be
 ing $50 billion a year global green   World of Coffee  The focus of the event is to secure   upon  the  university’s  existing   International Coffee Organization   launching  all  four  parts  of  The
 coffee  market.  The  acquisition   Warsaw, Poland  a more sustainable future for Af-  space,  a  6,000-square-foot,  mul-  (ICO) has announced its landmark   Sustainability  Toolkit  in  2022.
 company  states  the  app  can  im-  New Location: Milan, Italy, June 23-25  rican  coffee  farmers  and  build   ti-bay laboratory facility, includ-  International  Coffee  Agreement   Part One, Environmental, is now
 prove equity and sustainability in   more  resilient  agricultural  sys-  ing  a  state-of-the-art  roastery,  a   2022,  formally  welcoming  to  the   available.  The  organization  will
 the coffee supply chain. Café Hold-  PRF Colombia   tems. This three-day brought to-  brewing  laboratory,  sensory  de-  table for the first time in 60 years   be deep-diving into the Toolkit,
 ings  will  license  the  blockchain   Medellin, Colombia, June 30-July 1  gether twenty-five coffee-produc-  scriptive facilities, chemical and   the world’s biggest coffee retailers,   sharing  some  background  and
 platform to non-profit Kaldi Foun-  ing countries, which account for   analytical laboratories, and class-  roasters  and  manufacturers,  to-  how it works, and exploring some
 dation.(SOURCE/Cafe  Holdings   Café Show Vietnam  12% of global  coffee production.  room and innovation space where   gether with coffee farmers.  common  results  we  are  seeing
 Inc)  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, July 21-23  (SOURCE/Kenya News Agency)  students and researchers explore   Going forward, the private sector   from  our  community.(SOURCE/
           the science of coffee from seed to   and  civil  society  will  participate   Coffee Roasters Guild)
 2022  World  Barista  Champion-  cup.(SOURCE/University of Cali-  as  Affiliate  Members  in  key  dis-
 ship and World Brewers Cup  fornia, Davis)  cussions  and  decisions  on  the
 Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 27-30        sustainable future of global coffee
                                          affairs  with  75  coffee  producing
 SCAJ  World  Specialty  Coffee           and importing nations, ICO Mem-
 Conference and Exhibition                ber Governments.
 Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 12-14                 The goal of  the  Agreement  is  to
                                          find  new  ways  to  improve  condi-
 Café Show                                tions in an over USD300 billion a
 Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 23-26           year industry that provides a live-
                                          lihood for millions of people from
 World Coffee Leaders Forum               farmers  to  baristas  across  the
 Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 23-26           world.(SOURCE/Comunicaffe)

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