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无限场景 随时咖啡
In addition, Argentinians enjoy spending their or raffle prizes. In the week-long event, Argentin-
weekends attending the theater, a concert, a dance ians are happy to join in with their families or
show, a stand-up comedy or other popular cultur- friends. Gradually, the participating shops become
al activities. In the evening, after enjoying an great destinations for friends to hang out, and a
audio-visual feast, it is a must to enjoy ice cream hunting ice cream becomes a good time for family.
in a shop nearby while chatting vividly. Before As a result, all the participating shops get over-
youngsters rush to nightclubs which do not open crowded and busy during the whole event.
until midnight, a high-calorie ice cream is a good Argentinian ice cream surprises the palate
excuse to party all night long to burn some fat. and makes all the locals feel wonderful, no matter
Therefore, when street stores pull down their iron the season. It also adds a touch of sweetness and
doors, the ice cream shops are still in operation a little comfort in their rugged, bumpy road of
with bright lights, and many will not close until 1 economic development.
or 2 am. In the dead of night, when there is no You might be curious if it’s healthy for one
release for the hidden worries and fatigue deep in of the largest beef consumers in the world to have
the heart, ice cream is the best comfort for Argen- so much ice cream. No worries! They have wine
tinians. to go with beef, and they also claim that maté tea
This late-night habit is strongly linked to the is their magical weapon to defeat sugar and fat.
local culture promotion. Since 1985, the Argentine
Artisanal Ice Cream Association (AFADHYA) has
been organizing the annual and nationwide Semana
del Auténtico Helado Artesanal (Authentic Artis-
anal Ice Cream Week) every November, when the
weather starts to warm up and the ice cream season
begins. After decades of promotion, it was recog- About maté tea
nized as an event of cultural significance by the Maté tea (pronounced mah-teh) is the national drink of Argentina,
renowned for its ability to rejuvenate and provide focus. Maté tea is made
Buenos Aires City Council in 2017. In the same
from the yerba mate (pronounced ‘yehr-bah mah-teh,’) a South American
year, the AFADHYA also introduced the “Ice Cream
holly tree similar to the tea plant. It’s not strictly “tea” as it’s not made
Night”. During the event, ice cream shops usually from the tea plant, Camelia Sinensis, but it has similar benefits to tea
attract customers with buy-one-get-one-free sales since it’s similarly high in antioxidants and contains caffeine.
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