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Regional characteristics show up; the core is about Baidu index, an online tool represents normalized can get is directly linked to your dopamine. When and know how to do it can stand out.
talent return. Just like other cities in the world, big search volum for selected keywords, also shows that con s u me r s move t he i r at te nt ion on l i ne , s o c i a l
cities in China can siphon talents. To encourage local the search for Yunnan coffee in the same period has pl at for m s a l s o b ecome t he new b at t le f ield for “Picturized rate” guides visual system
economic development, build new first-tier city clus- increased 4 times from before. There is no doubt that brand marketing, unveiling the era of the KOC
ters and drive second- and third-tier cities, the Chinese this film contributed a lot to the growth of Yunnan where everyone shares advertising posts and ev- “Picturized rate” is a special standard put forward
government has been encouraging local governments coffee culture. eryone gets advertised. by Huang Hai, Saturnbird’s investor. As he believes,
to introduce relevant talent introduction and training Today, the global cultural interchange and trade A-I-P-L is a set of chain models proposed by the higher the “picturized rate” of a product, the
policies. In this context, a large number of young pro- facilitation have made people’s standard for food Alibaba for user growth and operation. The model greater the social media buzz can be, coming with a
fessionals return to their hometown, activating local more objective. Therefore, we can conclude that the represents the 4 stages of the dynamic relationship higher probability of sales conversion. In fact, those
product design, brand building and marketing. The development of the Chinese fad coffee and tea drinks between target customers and brands within a cer- Chinese fad brands that have used the “picturized”
talent return accelerates the birth of new coffee and takes advantage of national policies, riding on the tain user pool: awareness (get to know the brand), strategy – intentionally or unintentionally – have a
tea brands with local cultural characteristics. In this rise of regional culture; Commercially, the emer- interest (feel interested in the brand), purchase better performance on social media compared to those
way, the local culture can be passed on through the gence of regional Chinese fad coffee and tea brands (willing to pay for the products), and loyalty (will- who haven’t. Take the recent Chinese New Year of the
medium of the two types of drinks. also fuels the regional cultural confidence. However, ing to advertise the brand voluntarily and repur- Tiger as an example. Adding elements of tigers, mah-
In Yunnan, for example, the film “Coffee or Tea?” from a marketing practitioner’s point of view, young chase). When AIPL is used as a marketing tool, the jong and spring couplets in products are more likely
aired on the 2020 National Day tells a similar story: 3 people consume cultural brands for more than kin- data of the advertising content released by a KOL to be shared by consumers and capture “likes” on
frustrated young men never lose their passion in grow- ship and regional identity. can be divided into 4 parts: exposures (A), interac- social media than normal coffee and milk tea drinks.
ing coffee in Yunnan, despite challenges like parents’ tions (I), clicks on e-commerce links and orders (P), However, this in no way means that brands should
discouragement, friends’ disbelief and unseen gains. Everything is about figures and purchases/recognition of favorite brands (L). follow trendy themes all the time. The core of a high
Eventually, they not only have their coffee attract the Usually, when depicted in a chart, these data show “picturized rate” still lies in the innovative design of
world’s largest brands, but also reap a sense of fulfill- When the pandemic accelerates our pace to go up in the shape of a funnel; The larger the ratio the visual identity system which the brand should
ment in life. Although the film tends to promote rele- online, TikTok, Kuaishou, Little Red Book, Weibo, between the 2 numbers at the end and the mouth of always follow while keeping in mind to maintain high
vant policies, it has helped Yunnan coffee in some way. Dianping and WeChat Moments take over Chinese the funnel, the more effective the advertising con- standards and clear recognition. For example, Saturn-
Since the film, search “Yunnan coffee” on Little Red mass social events, granting ordinary people the tent is. Each coffee and tea brand wants to use this bird can print little tigers on their trademark num-
Book and you can find personal drinking experience opportunity to express themselves and to be seen. chain effectively to achieve a perfect closed loop of bered mini cans, and it is not wise to change the cans
and related knowledge as the most-recommended posts; How many likes, comments, saves and retweets you the AIPL, but only those who understand marketing to tiger shapes.
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