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 If a Chinese tea   Take Cues from A Multicultur-

 product doesn’t get   al Tea Party

 acknowledged by its   her career had nothing to do with start-ups
 Before Siyi became a TPlays founder,
 home market, how can   or tea leaves. After graduating from Guang-
 dong University of Foreign Studies, she
 it convince foreign   applied to study business management in
 ESADE Business School, Spain, and later
 customers?  got a degree of marketing in Rotterdam
 School of Management, Netherlands. She
 embarked on her career journey as a Chi-
 nese market promoter for a time-honored
 German manufacturer, where her out-
 standing performance secured her a con-
 tract due to expire in 2052. “The lifelong
 contract felt like a life imprisonment to
 me.” She recalled with a wry smile.
 The German company with an ego of
 rigor seemed to draw a finish line for Siyi’s   it normally appears as pure tea, and only   ents, Siyi specially selected middle- and
 career journey. But it was not where she   red  tea is known  to  the world,  with the   relatively-large-sized tea leaves which
 wanted to end. In business schools, she   other five types of tea — green tea, white   were of high quality and nutrition, suit-
 was fascinated with case studies from   tea, oolong tea, black tea and yellow tea—  able for long-time brewing and pressing,
 large-scale enterprises and luxury brands.   nameless. Besides, there is a large room to   and certificated in China. With the select-
 In her passion for fashion and traditional   blend rich aroma and flavors of different   ed tea as base, other premium ingredients
 culture, a question faded in: as your face   tea. When I found there was a lot to dig out,   like mint, rose, rosemary, ginseng and
 represents your culture, how to use Chi-  I started to think about brand building and   hawthorn were added to present flavor
 nese identity to convince foreigners and   systematic operation.”   with multiple layers. “We must waste no
 make traditional Chinese culture fashion-   effort in quality control. No matter how
 able? The first cultural symbol that came   From ‘Going Global’ to ‘Going Home’  great the tea leaf is, the quality of blend-
 to her mind was Chinese tea.                ed products with flowers would be lower
 In 2014, she started to organize tea   After going back to China, Siyi   than pure tea. In this way, it will be sat-
 parties as a trial at her place in Mannheim   worked on her oversea resources to make   isfying only when all the ingredients are
 and called for visitors on the website meet-  the initial plan for TPlays. Back then, there   at their peak quality.” Though she only had two guests at   were only four people in the team, includ-  But it didn’t go well. Headquartered
 first, she attracted 286 loyal guests from 20   ing herself. As Siyi recalled, the other three   in China, though TPlays successfully fin-
 countries early 2015—after just eight   were from Brazil, Russia and Austria and   ished its incubation in America, it struggled
 months. As the organizer, Siyi would bring   “couldn’t read even one single Chinese   to promote marketing and cooperation with
 back tea from good tea mountains after she   word.” She believed they “had no strengths   KOL due to the large time difference, espe-
 went back to China for business and share   in the general Chinese market, not to   cially when staff were caught up with
 lovely tea stories. In their fourth session,   mention joining the fight in white-hot tea   product development and package design.
 she handed the microphone to her guests   drink market.” Based on the situation, she   Siyi took a breath and looked at her original   Behind the Scene  [1]
 and encouraged them to share their tea   made the natural decision of “going global”   aspiration. She realized that credibility is
 culture. As Siyi said, “Only a few of our   and chose America, German and Brazil as   essential to make a Chinese tea brand. “If a   At the end of last year, an interna-
                                                                               tional documentary film team found
 members were German. Most of them came   their first destinations.  Chinese tea product doesn’t get acknowl-
                                                                               Siyi, hoping to create a video about
 from Israel, India, Britain, Canada and Swit-  Quality is the first priority for Siyi.   edged by its home market, how can it   how she visited those tea mountains.
 zerland. We communicated in English.”  When TPlays developed tea products, she   convince foreign customers?” In 2019, she   “I once spent three years on visiting
 When she learnt other forms of tea   looked up tea leaf lists of ECOCERT, co-  changed the track for TPlays and recruited   tea mountains. As many people think
 drink from these stories, her idea about   operated with qualified tea gardens and   Chinese staff, marching to the Chinese   it is unprofitable, they want to know
                                                                               how I think about it.” When the
 Chinese tea was gradually overturned. “The   tea factories, and applied for organic   market in full swing. She decided to step
                                                                               documentary film got approval, Siyi
 delicacy and flexibility of tea is still a virgin   certification from FDA before launching   onto the global stage when the brand got   led the team to Yunnan and made one
 land to explore. In the case of Chinese tea,   in the market. When it came to ingredi-  more reputation and funding.  episode in eight days.

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