Page 109 - CTI 79_EN
P. 109


                       You can learn a
                       lot about a time period

                       by analyzing its food art.

                           Not only Ben pairs books and   as a raw material and a way to
                       ice cream but he also experiments   convey certain messages. “I’m try-
                       with colors, shapes and textures by   ing to make interesting odd images.
                       literally putting ice cream on a book.   I like that when you put ice cream
                       “I’m a big fan of books as both con-  on a book it makes the reader re-
                       tainers of content and as physical   alize that a book is just a physical
                       objects in and of themselves. I’m   object,” says Ben.
                       fascinated by them.”                By rethinking good old classic,
                           From still life depictions in   Ben does not only attract attention to
                       Renaissance paintings to pop-art   books as a physical objects but also
                       depictions of canned Campbell’s   to ice cream as a big part of the com-
                       soups, food has been finding its way   position. His Instagram account ro-
                       into art for many years. In fact, you   tates around textures, colors, shades
                       can learn a lot about a particular   and shapes of these two equally im-
                       time period by analyzing its food   portant objects. And when it comes
                       art. And, today’s obsession with   to matching them, it is important to
                       food as art is no different. Food   take tangible and intangible qualities
                       plays a major role in our modern   of the dessert and a book as only to-
                       visual culture, fueled by social me-  gether they can create a perfect duo
                       dia and people who use food both   complimenting one another.

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