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P. 6
editor’s letter
Managing Editor
Nicole Ou
Coffee t&i ( China )
Editorial Team: Dasha Kartasheva, Scarlett Yip,
Yazmin Su, Qian Qian
Graphic Designer: Hanna Liu, Olga Li
Coffee t&i (China)
No.23, Lane 1157, Middle Yan’an Rd., Jing’an
District, Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 6333 9299
The contents of this publication must not be
reproduced in whole or in part without written
permission from the publisher.
Illustrator: Patti Ruan
Photo /The Female Company
M odern world doesn’t really give us much time eastern and western business worlds. Contributors
Nevertheless, if it seems that parity is somewhere far,
to think about our lives: fast paced lifestyles,
busy working weeks and on top of this now
big coffee insiders, it’s clear that we often shouldn’t focus
we have a transition period from the pandem- in String Women Make Better Coffee, after talking to five Sandra Elisa Loofbourow
Tasting Room Director for The Crown, a certified
ic to the “new normal”. and emphasize the gender and only hard work will pay back. Q Grader and Assistant Instructor. She is pas-
As COVID-19 continues to affect lives and livelihoods Our guest in People column, Lily Zhang, is no stranger to sionate about all things delicious and spends a lot
of time eating cheese and sipping IPAs.
around the world, we can already see that the pandemic and hard work, developing her own socially responsible coffee
its economic fallout are having a regressive effect on gender project, where she helps to bring kore light and love to the Teresa Fan
equality. By McKinsey’s calculation, women’s jobs are 1.8 lives of people who often stay unheard, hearing impaired Country Manager at Volcafe China, member of
times more vulnerable to this crisis than men’s jobs. That and deaf people. ED&F MAN Coffee division.
is why this time we decided to bring more light to the female Women sometimes also do silent work and don’t ask Fabiola Solano
side of the coffee story. Our cover story discovers how and for their reward, in Origins we talked to women in Latin
anything drinks related will catch my attention,
what women bring to the table when it comes to the whole America who change the status quo and fight machismo as SCA trainer and avid reader.
coffee chain from seed to cup. Talking to amazing coffee well as fight for the equal pay and recognition.
women like Agnieszka Rojewska, Rebecca Atienza, Gloria This issue is filled with mesmerizing and inspiring Rie Hasuda Moore
Pedroza and Casey LaLonde, definitely gave us a deeper stories of our heroines. But not to seem like an all-girls Coffee mom, adventurer and Coffee Trainer at
Looking Glass Coffee in Snohomish, WA.
perspective thy women do feel that they need to prove party, we invited a male advocate for gender parity as well:
themselves in front of their male colleagues, even when the Ben O’Brien who helps his wife, Fi O’Brien, to build her Prae Pattanapeeradej
working environment is friendly and warm. We also talked dream Girls Who Grind. To keep updated about the Coffee Society, UK Psychology graduate who spends all her
about how becoming a mother can change a person person- Let’s share a cup of coffee and enjoy this issue togeth- please follow us: @coffeeteaimag free time seeking new experiences - mainly in
ally and professionally, including how it is still seen in er, men or women we are all in this together. the form of food and coffee.
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