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        Moon Coffee Maker                                                                                             Pure Over: All Glass
                                                                                                                      Coffee Making Experi-

            Israelian designer Roee Ben Yehuda has just given                                                         ence
        his clean take on the home coffee machine. Designed
        to keep the “steampunk” essence of traditional Italian
        espresso  machines while maintaining a  clean,  cute                                                              Pure Over is an all-glass pour over coffee maker
        appearance, the Moon Coffee Maker is a modern take                                                            designed by Portland, Oregon glass artist Etai Rahmil,
        on a century-old invention.                                                                                   launching on Kickstarter in August 2020. Made from
            The white and beige egg-shaped machine sees                                                               pure borosilicate glass, Pure Over uses a built-in glass
        two large gauges at the front with a transparent coffee                                                       filter which allows coffee’s rich flavor to fully develop.
        bean hopper to the left and a water reservoir on the                                                          The process makes coffee using just glass, water and
        right. The machine sits on stubby cone legs. The work                                                         ground beans, delivering a bolder, more flavorful cup
        shown is still a quick model test from polyurethane                                                           of pour over coffee. With art and design at its core,
        foam, but perhaps we may see  the  real thing in                                                              Pure Over is made to be a new staple in your at home
        kitchens sometime in the future.                                                                              coffee routine.

                                                          Victoria Arduino pres-
                                                          ents Prima
                                                                                                                                                                     Instant Pot’s coffee maker

                                                              Prima is one group professional coffee machine
                                                          that fits just right into small workspaces. It is ideal for                                                    One of the most well-known brands in the
                                                          start-ups and renowned businesses, professional and                                                        countertop cooking space has entered the world of
                                                          home use, exclusive boutiques that often change looks,                                                     coffee makers: Meet the Instant Pod, which for now
                                                          pop, and classy atmospheres, even where coffee is not                                                      is going to be sold exclusively at Walmart. The 2-in-1
                                                          the center activity.                                                                                       coffee maker is so labeled for its ability to brew ground
                                                              Eagle One Prima incorporates NEO technology                                                            coffee and make your espresso using either Keurig’s
                                                          (New Engine Optimization): it can quickly heat the                                                         K-Cups or Nespresso (original) capsules. You can
                                                          water and guarantee high performance while                                                                 choose your preferred size among six options and buy
                                                          increasing energy efficiency. This way, PRIMA is ready                                                     the likewise newly released Instant Pod Milk Frother
                                                          to run in only 8 minutes.                                                                                  for milky beverages.

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