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 It’s a cultural and creative            seen. To exploit the talent of deaf floral   employees in LiLi were new to the do-
                                         designers, LiLi could be a flower shop.
                                                                        main of coffee. While Lily spent a great
 coffee shop, a public                   To display the drawings of deaf paint-  deal of time to help them acquire
 welfare base, and an                    ers, LiLi could be a gallery. To realize   professional skills, she was also very
                                         the dream of the elderly in pursuit of
                                                                        concerned about their thoughts of
 enterprise that incubates               music, LiLi could be a music workshop.   future career so as to help them find
                                                                        their suitable career path. “For me, one
                                         Last year, LiLi Time became No. 5693
 entrepreneurship and                    public welfare base in Shanghai, and   of the primary values is happiness. It
                                                                        means a lot to me that their confi-
                                         conducted 109 public service courses
 employment for the deaf.                during 70 days. It keeps organizing   dence is built up and they themselves
                                         events in the coffee shop, in conjunc-
                                                                        shine in this space.”
                                         tion with NGOs, charity organizations,   Perhaps love is mutual to LiLi Time.
                                         entrepreneurs, and artists, at which   Like most restaurants, LiLi was badly af-
                                         people can get together and participate   fected during the explosion of COVID-19
                                         in activities and discussions. The staff   and nearly had to shut down. What Lily did
                                         members even invite customers to join   not expect was that when she initiated a
                                         them and do charity works  in  local   letter for help, those customers who had
                                         communities. In this way, in addition   patronized her café helped tide her over by
                                         to providing greater opportunities   purchasing products and donating money.
                                         for  those who are deaf or hearing   Thanks to the people that LiLi loved, they
                                         impaired, the café has also created a   made it survive and reborn.
                                         community where people with sim-   LiLi Time is a positive step to-
                                         ilar experiences and people of all back-  wards teaching the society the signifi-
                                         grounds to interact, share ideas and   cance of inclusiveness and equality. It
                                         learn from one another.        is a good example that a female entrepreneur
 At the café, not only customers are   customers to leave a message on the back   “My role in LiLi Time is actually a   in China is making a difference by her
 encouraged to communicate using a few   of the card to inspire the deaf staff. Grad-  parent, taking care of every employee like   faith and resources. “We wish to be a
 easy-to-follow hand gestures, but deaf   ually, both the guests and staff members   a mother.” Lily explained, “we are not   light in this city,  to influence more
 baristas are also encouraged to commu-  became more comfortable, and any initial   only offering a job position, but accom-  people and enterprises, and to pass on
 nicate with the guests bravely, even if it   fear of a communication barrier was   panying them in their lives.” Most deaf   love and warmth.”
 is just an eye contact or a sentence that   dissipated.
 is not clear enough. Moreover, baristas   “I want to tell my staff members,”
 are encouraged to create their own sig-  said Lily, “don’t be afraid. Believe you
 nature drinks. Se qin sy lhok, created by   are accepted. Believe you are loved.
 deaf barista Ken, well combines avocado   And believe in yourselves that you are
 and coffee and presents a silky mouth-  excellent!”
 feel, which can be found in LiLi’s creative
 coffee menu.  A Borderless Space Shines
 Lily recalled how difficult it some-  Light on Dreams
 times was to communicate with custom-
 ers. There was a time when a lady came   Once a new guest asks about what
 to LiLi she would be given a flower as a   LiLi Time is, Lily always answers: a cul-
 warm gift. An unpleasant truth was the   tural and creative coffee shop, a public
 guests might refuse the waiter since he   welfare base, and an enterprise that in-
 cannot hear and thus was mistaken for   cubates entrepreneurship and employ-
 selling flowers. And the inadvertent look   ment for the deaf.
 may upset the deaf employees. To pass   More than a business, LiLi Time has
 the goodwill to customers in a better way,   been helping to bridge the gap between
 Lily designed a card which introduced   a mute world and a world with sound. It
 the story of flowers and also allowed   serves as a stage where dreams can be

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