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 T  ucked away from the hus-  A Responsible Coffee

 tle and bustle of the big
 city stands a vibrant café
 named LiLi Time Coffee.   “In fact, I was shouldering a
 Walking into it, you are greeted by the   mission to establish LiLi Time,” Lily
 smells, sounds, and sights of a typical   told CTI.
 coffee house: fresh coffee aroma,   Lily Zhang, who is from Shang-
 grinding beans, and chatting custom-  hai, moved to Germany in the year of
 ers. Except those behind the counter,   2000, opened a Chinese restaurant in
 it is silent.   Hamburg, and stayed there for over a
 Perhaps LiLi Time is the only café   decade. Though an outsider to coffee,
 in Shanghai which employs hearing-im-  Lily fell in love in coffee with the
 paired staff intentionally. Attributed to   booming  coffee  culture  worldwide,
 its great owner Lily Zhang, LiLi Time   and she was very optimistic about the
 has become home to one very unique   development of coffee in China. That
 locale. It is not simply a popular coffee   was why she decided to devote herself
 shop for the neighborhood, but more   to this industry. In 2013, Lily went
 meaningfully a place that works to   back to her hometown and began her
 support deaf people on all sides.  coffee journey.
 It did not start out easy. “My                                                                        Photo / Jo Hilton
 husband gave up his job for me as
 general manager in a Michelin restau-
 rant, which was an oldest coffee house
 in Hamburg.” Lily recalled, “we came
 back to China and started from
 scratch.” It took two years for her
 husband to study coffee skills certi-
 fied by Specialty Coffee Association
 (SCA). Since then he has been sup-
 porting Lily’s business for the part of   Closing Your Silent World,   society, people who should be given
 coffee roasting.   Opening Our Illumed World  chances in their lives.
 Five years ago, before LiLi Time             In a bid to break down the invis-
 was born, Lily was running another   On the wall of LiLi Time writes a   ible barrier between baristas and
 coffee shop. It was not until one day   sentence: Love Is Life Illumed. It is how   customers, the coffee shop is filled
 that she met a deaf customer who   the name of LiLi came from. “We believe   with photos and special layout to make
 made her realize how great talent was   that if someone’s life is illuminated, he   it easier for  guests
 hidden inside this group of people.   or she must be surrounded by love.   to place their or-
 She felt that something deep in her   There is love and only love which can   ders.  For  example,   Their gifts should
 heart was touched, driving her to get   light up our lives.” Lily shared her idea,   the  menu  comes
 close and to know these people who   “this is the soul of LiLi Time and what   with hand-painted   be discovered. Their
 were hearing-impaired.  it aims to deliver to all people.”   patterns and graph-  desires should be
 “Their  gifts should  be  discov-  Out of a total of six staff members,   ic sign languages so
 ered. Their desires should be con-  four are deaf. They move freely in the   customers can learn   concerned. Their
 cerned. Their lives should be seen.”     how to sign what
 One of the public service activites   bar counter, kitchen, and outside seating
 hold in Lili Time Coffee: Edward   Bearing with this mission, Lily estab-  zone, behaving just as a good team. More   they want. Those   lives should be seen.
 Zhao’s Graffii with Kids  lished LiLi Time in May 2019, and was   than baristas and waiters, their roles   employees who are
 committed to doing a great job with   change according to the activities held   hearing-impaired
 her team. “Strictly speaking, LiLi   in the café. To Lily, it is of critical im-  would wear badges with sign languag-
 Time is not a store. It is a brand born   portance to empower people with a   es which convey a message that they
 out of love.”  disability, people who are vulnerable in   have difficulty in hearing.

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