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Pearls of Shanghai
                     Pearls of Shanghai

                              Picking best of the best in the oriental
                                               coffee heaven.

           C       hina has stolen the spotlight   ny, but when you live here it feels like a   History

                   as one of the most promising
                                              reality. Shanghai is a very fast paced city,
                   economies long time ago.
                   With  its  rapid  economical   it never stops and always evolves.  In the   Back in the 19th century,
                                              past couple of years, Shanghai has be-
           development, People’s Republic of China   come  one of the world’s coffee capitals,   Shanghai was a modest
           started importing more and more foreign   with quality exceeding some major Eu-  trading port that exploded
           trends and products. Coffee is no excep-  ropean capitals without the attitude of   after being “opened” to the
                                                                                   world by Western imperial-
           tion here. According to Coffee Interna-  others. This year Coffee t&i prepared the   ism. What became known as
           tional Organization, coffee consumption   whole Coffee Guide with more than 300   the Paris of the East laid the
           in China has been increasing 16% per   coffee shops in it.              groundwork for what
           year from 2004 to 2014; Euromonitor    And even if you think about it, the   Shanghai is today: an
           also estimates that coffee consumption   city has more than 300 coffee shops for   unparalleled economic
                                                                                   powerhouse and megacity of
           in China will increase by 18% per year   each and everyone. Walking around the   24 million people.
           until 2019..Even though the country is   city and visiting all of 300 will take some
           traditionally tea drinking, coffee market   time, that is why we collected all the
           is blooming in big cities of China.   pearls from the guide to save your time
               Someone said ‘If Beijing is China’s   and give a short guide so you won’t get
           traditional, responsible older brother,   lost in the city of 24 million people. If
           Shanghai is the fashionable, shopaholic   you would like to know about more plac-
           Wall Street  younger sister who works   es, go to our website, or you can also find
           hard and plays even harder’, sounds fun-  it in Editorial Hello.

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