Page 49 - #63 eng 电子版
P. 49
B rands with Latin American prov-
enance often evoke kaleidoscop-
ic images of sensuous style,
framed either by tropical glam-
our or an exuberant kind of coquetry. While
this typecast may seem accurate enough for
some designers and products, new collabo-
rative project between Mexican designer
José Bermúdez and Colombian designers
Juan Carlos Franco from Vrokka and Fran-
cisco Jaramillo from Fango Studio is com-
pletely different.
Samaná project unifies the coffee cul-
ture known worldwide in both countries.
People in Mexico and Colombia cannot
start their day without a cup of coffee.
After lunch they usually drink another cup
and in the middle of the afternoon drink
one more. Here, coffee is a product that
you can find not only just brewed or mixed
with water but on desserts, appetizers, The leather is used to have a more warm
cocktails and more. surface and to keep all the coffee accessories
Geographically these countries also inside the container safe.
share coffee growing climate: elevated Samaná coffee ware is coffee equip-
mountains where coffee is easy to harvest ment for manual brewing, designed specifi-
together with tropical environment and cally to create a special bound between a
fertile soil gives a very good result is the cup. person and coffee brewing process and to
Colombia and Mexico have many regions awaken their senses. The collection includes
where you can find one of the finest coffees home ware pieces for preparing and drinking
around the world. The name of the project, coffee. Small wooden sticks are attached to
Samaná comes exactly from one of the cof- individual little bowls, also made from wood,
fee growing areas in Colombia, between the to form spoons that can be used for measur-
cities of Bogotá and Medellin, that is famous ing grounds and stirring coffee. Coffee cups
for its quality product. are made of ceramics and coloured in a
Having very caffeinated culture and rustic cream colour. A pour-over maker
desire to unite people around coffee drink- comes with a filter holder made of oak, in-
ing tradition, two old friends, Jose Bermudez stead of more commonly used glass or ce-
and Juan Franco, decided to create some- ramic. Oak wood seeks to give texture and
thing unique for all the coffee lovers. Later warmth to the shape of each piece, generat-
as the project grew, Francisco Jaramillo ing a unique experience. Ceramics play with
joined the team to polish it and add some the sense of touch, giving a feeling of the
final touches. The minimalistic collection material in its natural state. Other pieces in
consist of a container and coffee ware. The the collection include more ceramic vessels
container is inspired by the shape of wood- with fitted tops, and small wooden plates. Designers
en boxes used by coffee growers when se- As designers shared, they created the
lecting the best coffee beans. It is the exact whole collection for coffee lovers around Even though the two are
height as the original containers, used by the world, including themselves, that wants from different countries,
coffee growers in Mexico. The container can to gather and share stories or just have a Juan Carlos Franco and
be opened to store coffee ware inside. good chat with a cup of coffee, making Sa- Jose Bermudez are old
schoolmates, that met in
Opened or closed, it’s surface, covered with maná a meeting point for people of all cul-
Universidad Iberoameri-
leather, can be used to prepare your coffee. tures, no matter how far they are. cana Mexico City.