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P. 68
c Opinion
CBN Weekly and Sohu. He is not
the best in acting, nor the best
in singing, but he is the most
exposed and popular idol,
proved by the numerous invita-
tions to become the brand am-
bassador including the global
luxury brand Louis Vuitton.
This has, from one aspect, il-
lustrated how businesses be- 1.
coming more and more aware of James Hoffmann
the profit they could generate
through utilising the power of Co-founder of Square Mile Roasters,
fan economy. author of the World Atlas of Coffee,
Nonetheless, a notable 2007 WBC champion. The three
feature of the term “fan econo- personal achievements in coffee that
my” is that the soil for its James owns established his reputa-
growth is mainly based in Ori- tion in the coffee industry.
ental countries, such as Japan,
Korea, and China. Different
culture and different mind set
have resulted in different ways
of interaction between idols and 2.
fans. While “fan economy” is Scott Rao
still a rather unfamiliar term in
the western culture, the FT Owner of many coffee related busi-
Chinese website has published nesses, author of a few books including
an article to discuss China’s The Professional Barista’s Handbook
emerging fan economy back in which is hailed as the bible for baristas,
the beginning of 2007. consultant for coffee businesses glob-
ally. By introducing scientific and sys-
Idols in Coffee tematic guidelines for baristas, Rao’s
contribution to the bursting growth of
It is debatable if the same specialty coffee is beyond words.
concept could be applied in the
coffee industry. Even though 3.
baristas as a group does have Jeremy Zhang
the potential to be idolised, it
seems that the definition of Owner of Uni Uni Coffee Shop and
idol in the specialty coffee in- M2M Roaster, CBC champion in 2014
dustry is slightly different. and 2016, ranked 8th in WBC 2017,
Coffee people, including the which was the highest rank in his-
marketing director and co- tory for Chinese baristas. Jeremy is
owner of high end green bean seen by many Chinese baristas as the
trader, the Grand Cru Coffee; person to take China specialty coffee
Owner of Coffee Tags in Bei- to the world.
jing; and Owner of Metal Hands
Cafe; when asked “if you think
there are idol baristas, who
they will be”, while a large These three coffee experts are all highly recognized and respected
amount of the response was “I within the industry, they are worshipped across regions and people. However,
don’t have one”, the most men- when it comes to the mass public where specialty coffee is a niche, their names
tioned three idol baristas that disappear in the crowd. Therefore, generally speaking, they should not be
are below. crowned as an idol for the strictly limited pool of audience.