Page 34 - #62 eng e-mag
P. 34
c Cafe Hopping
La Dolce Vita in Milano
Walk with us around beautiful Milano, enjoying
the very Italian lifestyle.
I taly, so many songs has been drinks, more than 90% of Italian families
sang about this marvelous
drink coffee daily, and there is one coffee
History country. The songs have been bar for every 490 Italians.
telling the stories of romanc- The ‘boot’ country has many amazing
The city was founded
around 600 BC by Celtic es, great culture, memorable cuisine places to see and Milan is one of them.
Insubres, after whom this and of course dolce-far-niente kind of Milan is an absolute behemoth of a city
region of northern Italy was lifestyle (sweetness of doing nothing). and has the most populated metropolitan
called Insubria.
This sweetness is reflected in Ital- area in Italy with 1.3 million people, and
ian coffee and particularly in espresso, 3.2 million in the wider area surrounding
cappuccino and latte. These three drinks central Milan. With so many people Milan
are known by everyone around the globe has a lot to offer: a sublime mix of his-
and these three creations unite us all. torical architecture, modern high-rise
People in Italy even have a tradition to skyscrapers, all mingled together with a
suspend coffee for people too poor to dash of Italian life. The city is particu-
pay, not forgetting people in need. Ital- larly famous for its fashion and the beau-
ians are widely known for their kindness tiful Duomo Cathedral.
and this gesture shows one more time Visiting this Fashion Capital of the
that they are not only kind to one an- World, Coffee t&i spotted some coffee
other, but also take their coffee as a places that have a truly Italian soul, serv-
necessity. According to Illy, one of Ita- ing you your favorite cup of dolce-far-
ly’s leading coffee producers, and a local niente. Next time you are in Milan, don’t
organization that studies food and forget to take a coffee break.