Page 33 - #62 eng e-mag
P. 33
“J us t like g o in g d own t h e r ab b it h o l e fr o m Ali c e in Wo n d e r-
l an d, eve ryt hin g s e e m s n ew. ”
Places Not to Miss
Petronas Twin Towers Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan
The Petronas Twin Towers, as a landmark, Mosques in Malaysia, where Islam is the
is your must-see attraction when in Kuala dominant religion, are quite worth visit-
Lumpur. They are the tallest twin towers as ing. Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan is the
well as the 8th tallest building in the world. largest mosque in the whole country. Its
The construction was completed in 1998. design is a blend of various architectural
There are 88 floors in total with a height of styles. Compared with other mosques,
1483ft(452m). The skybridge connecting Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan is a more
the two towers on the 41st and 42nd floors suitable place where you can appreciate
which is 58.4m long and 170m above the its beauty quietly or just take a break
ground provides a panoramic view of Ma- from a busy city for a moment.
laysia. Most visitors take photos outside the 50480 Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur 50480, Malaysia
Petronas Towers. If you want to go upstairs,
go on a sunny day.
Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur,
Tue to Sun, 9:00 – 21:00 (13:00- 14:30 on Fridays);
closed every Monday and on public holidays
Kampung Baru Ilaika
In 1900, British colonial government desig- A very interesting boutique. It sells products
nated an area for Malays and named it “Kam- designed by local designers, most of which are
pung Baru”. Nowadays, you can experience lifestyle items or cultural and creative prod-
the original Malay lifestyle here in Kampung ucts. The shop’s design itself is interesting
Baru. In the Ramadan bazaar, near 200 differ- enough by itself. You can find One-Half pop-up
ent stalls will definitely satisfy your appetite store inside, and when you’re done admiring
for Malaysian cuisine. Make sure you try nasi the accessories, beauty products, and home
lemak. If you plan to go there at the weekend, décor items on display, go ahead and take some
don’t miss the night fair on Saturday. freshly brewed coffee.
55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia No 17, Jalan 20/13
11:00 -21:00