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Michal Molcan Carol Lim
Founder of the independent print publication Standart. A food adventurist, Carol’s beautiful Instagram (@carol.
eats) feed was inspired by her love towards exploring new
I fell in love with coffee very fast, it was not places and unique food cultures.
planed - as all good relationships. I went to a cof-
fee event in Prague, Czech Republic, with my I believe that food is the perfect medium to
girlfriend that convinced me to spend more time discover a city and understand its culture. Since
in specialty cafés in the city. The atmosphere, very young age, I learned various cuisines in Ma-
combined with delicious coffees, was something laysia, the multi-cultural society. As I grew up, I
that caught my attention and never let it go. started to appreciate the preparation and presenta-
I started Standart 3 years ago in a small town tion of each meal. Hence, I began my food adven-
in Slovakia. That team expanded into a full-remote tures by taking beautiful food photos before I enjoy
company with colleagues based in Prague, Fu- the meal.I love to call it “food therapy” because it
kuoka, Sao Paolo, Moscow, Amsterdam or New is a reward and I can relax with food after a long
York City. So I travel as much as I can. South day. I travel abroad at least twice a year and have
Korea, China, United Kingdom - anywhere where weekend getaways in my own country. Thailand is
there is a lot of things going on, I try to travel, one of my favourite destinations as I can travel
meet and discover. there any moment (it is really close to Malaysia),
Good thing about my work is that as long as shop till you drop and hang out in numerous cafes
I have my smartphone and laptop with me, I can that serve great meals and good coffee. My best
get stuff done from pretty much anywhere. Apart traveling companion is my Sony A5100, because it
from that, I couldn’t travel without my Bose noise- always “eats” first! Nonetheless, phone is also
cancelling headphones. That is something that important to navigate around and take impromptu
completely changed the way I work in loud envi- shots. I also use my phone to translate menus to
ronments. I love them. fully understand what I am ordering. I would say
My favorite coffee cities would be San Melbourne is my favourite coffee city, as there are
Francisco, Tokyo and Copenhagen. They’re all so many different cafés. Also food there is great:
different yet very authentic. The tastiest coffee portions are big and the plating is very beautiful.
I’ve ever had was a Ninety Plus Geisha brewed It is quite hard for me to decide which cafe serves
by Chad Wang during my visit to Jascaffé fac- the best coffee as different cafes have different
tory in Shanghai some time ago. Other than that, types of beans. Nevertheless, I love coffee in Mel-
I love coffees from The Coffee Collective (Den- bourne as it is not too strong and I also enjoy long
mark) and Koppi (Sweden). I’d love to explore blacks in South Korea as they are mild and caffeine
Patagonia in South America. Also, I’d like to content is just the way I like it. My next stop would
spend some more time in Northern Europe - be Hong Kong and looking forward to travel to
Norway and Sweden. other best cities that have good coffee.