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World News
Starbucks’ Kale-added Smoothies
When you think of smoothies, you often have a picture of blended
sweetened beverage made from fresh fruit or vegetables, but often ac-
companied by honey or syrups. In cooperation with green juice company
Evolution Fresh and yoghurt company Dannon, Starbucks is introduc-
ing its new smoothie menu in its 4,300 branches on the West Coast for
health-conscious blended beverage lovers who would be happy with
having an unprocessed beneficial vegetable ingredient like kale in their
drinks. That is because kale is known as one of the healthiest vegetables,
so wouldn’t it be great that you do not have to steam it and eat with your
meal? You can simply make a trip to Starbucks and place an order of either Sweet
Greens or Strawberry and Mango Carrot, and you can request an addition of fresh kale blended with your smoothie.
Although these kale smoothies may not win the heart of extreme health maniacs, the Starbucks’ new scheme can erase
the prior impression of its artificial flavored syrups on display in its shops. The bottom line is for you to pay only $5.95
for a healthy kale smoothie seems like a great deal.
Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Nescafé Dolce Gusto hosts the Modern Art of Con-
When soda does not sound so healthy and tea versation
appears to be quite traditional, Lipton Sparkling Iced We know that bloggers blog. However, it gets in-
Tea, the latest product of Pepsi Lipton partnership is teresting when a group of bloggers get together and talk
exactly what you are looking for! This newest innovation and it gets even more intriguing when their conversations
combines the concept of tea as a healthy drink with the are transformed into pieces of art. Hosted by Nescafé
carbonation and popular flavors that you are familiar with. Dolce Gusto, the Modern Art of Conversation took place
When iced tea and light, crisp tiny at London’s oldest coffee house, the Jamaica Wine House.
bubbles come together in a can, this While a number of high-profile bloggers were making
infused beverage can add a spark contact and exchanging ideas, the artist Faizal Lulat created
to your life every day. The Lipton artwork based on their conversations. Each art piece has
sparkling Iced Tea is now available been personalized for each person. The campaign was later
in 3 flavors, including lemonade, extended to Facebook where the participants also have a
raspberry and peach flavors. Try the chance to receive their own personalized art.
new sparkling iced tea, embrace all
the possibilities, and “Be More Tea.”
Jamba Juice in Your Own Kitchen
Wouldn’t it be cool to blend your own Jamba Juice-
quality smoothies at home? In partnership with the appliance
expert Hamilton Beach, Jamba Juice has planned to release
up to four new blender products in 2015 under the Jamba
name. The first to be rolled out is a Jamba Professional
Blender, a 2.4 horsepower motor coming with a 64 ounce
jar and an emulsion cup at the price of $450. It is up to par
with Vitamix. Next to be out in July is a Jamba Quiet Blend
Blender, a quieter 1.6 horsepower motor coming with a Häagen-Dazs rolls out its new mochi ice cream
32 ounce jar, sold at $190 with a travel cup, and Outside of Japan, mochi is usually known in the
$170 without it. In August, a $200 juicer called form of ice cream-filled mochi. However, Häagen-Dazs
a Jamba Professional Juice Extractor will be in rolls out another dimension of how to eat mochi and ice
the market. It has a 1,100 watt motor and also 34 cream together. Instead, its new kinako kuromitsu mochi
ounce container. Finally, a Jamba Professional ice cream is mochi mixed in ice cream. Its ingredients are
Citrus Juicer, available at $160 on Jamba’s online roasted soybean flour and sweet syrup from brown sugar.
store. It comes with an easy-grip handle and a Believe it or not, it has just 235 calories per container-not
drip spout. All appliances include a Jamba Juice bad at all for a dessert. In one spoonful bite, you can taste it
smoothie recipe book. However, many reviews all-roasted bean, sweet brown sugar sauce, mochi, and ice
stated that the Jamba Professional costs much cream. All ingredients are so incredibly well mixed that there
higher than usual low cost blenders or juicers from is a lot of soybean inside covering ice cream and mochi.
Hamilton Beach, so Jamba will need to work on
its products to be worth its prices. International
availability has not been mentioned.