Page 74 - #53 English
P. 74


                                                             6. Management of farmhouse and factory
                                                                    Besides the 40 weeks of coffee plantation, the owner
                                                             still has to manage another 12 weeks of farmhouse (painting
        trees, he will leave a row of old trees for bark beetles. After two   walls and renovation) and maintenance machines to maintain
        months when the number of bark beetle decrease, then they   the good quality of plantation.
        will cut down the other old trees.
               Moreover, when we compared with the traditional   7. Green beans purchasing system in rural area
        firing and felling methods, owners of plantation also develop      The small-scaled green beans purchasing station which
        a better strategy to control a population of bark beetle by bi-  is located in the windy mountain, the farmers bring their green
        ology strategy. After cutting, a biological fungus medicament   beans packed with parchment by their jeeps. Manager of the
        that aims at bark beetle is adopted to wipe them out, and also   purchasing station will take a sample of 150g, shell and pick out
        reduces the harm to surrounding coffee manors and soil to the   defected beans such as broken beans, and moth beans, and fig-
        least.                                               ure out the price by their proportion. For example, the closing
               Thus, all of the branches of old trees in plantation can   price in the picture is 86,000 pesos per ton, 12.5kg.
        be left on the spot, letting them decay, and decompose naturally
        to nourish the coffee in this field.                        FNC coffee association make a promise that if coffee
                                                             farmers keep their qualified coffee to the purchasing station,
        4. Management of other industrial crop               they will purchase at the official price which will benefit for
               There is 10% of coffee trees need to be replanted every   farmers. This can protect brokers to force down the price as
        year, which guarantee plantation’s development, but also leads   well.
        to a direct reduction of 10% of annual output. (The replanted of
        coffee trees have no harvest in the next three years.) Therefore,
        owner of plantation plants a row of banana or other economic   In Summary:
        crops in every five rows of coffee trees. If the new coffee trees      In this part of FNC, we learn how to cooperate,
        cannot harvest, another crops can make a production instead.   purchasing station for small farmers, the system of organi-
                                                               zation and how FNC cooperate with owner of plantation,
        5. Drying of coffee green beans                        how to maintain the product quality. This can be approved
               In the washing process method, they need 8 hours for   that FNC directly support coffee farmer to maintain the
        drying time of drying and the temperature must be lower than   high standard in global coffee industry.
        50 C, to maintain the quality of coffee. In the same time, the      For the next part of FNC, we will continue our
        water content will be tested to know the degree of drying. The   journey in Columbia which will focus on the next step of
        general procedure is purchasing qualified cheery, weighing,   harvest. We will learn how FNC increase the export of
        pouring into funnel to strip off shell and peel, and soaking with   quality Columbia coffee with their professional storage
        a little water for one night. The peel of cheery ferment for two   and logistic system. The quality of coffee that support to
        to three months, used for fertilizer of trees.         the whole country. Keep waiting for our next part.
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