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Federation National de Cafeteros de Colombia
Story of the country of origin -- Exploring the rise of Colombia, a centennial coffee empire (part 2)
Industrial chain of coffee behind the coffee empire -from green beans. This time, Coffee T&I Magazine comes to the cof-
the “the origin of green beans” fee agricultural cooperative and purchasing station in Manizales
In the last article published: introduction by Roberto of Caldas province for a detailed exploration. It is where FNC
Vélez, CEO of FNC (Federation National de Cafeteros de Co- keeps a close cooperation with plantations via coffee “technical
lombia), we have learned how Colombia coffee follows the specialist”.
trend of global specialty coffee and how to balances between In this part, we will introduce how Colombia focuses
quality and quantity. We also acquired the significance of com- on interlocking coffee industrial chains and marching towards
bining production end (local smallholders) and market end the centennial goal of “sustainable development”. Then we
(emerging Chinese and Asian markets). will analyze how FNC establishes state-level coffee distribu-
In the last part, we explored in-depth how FNC inte- tion and logistics center, exporting port quality supervision
grates each of the interlocking links in industrial chain. Con- bureau, and the national coffee research center of which FNC
tinuing onto this second part; it starts from production end to is proud.